D&D 101: Dice

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An explanation of the dice used to play Dungeons and Dragons.

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I know this is a old video of yours, but I suffer a disability called Dyscalculia which affects me to understand basic form of math and shapes. This video was super helpful to understand all the other shapes since I am just starting to play D&D with my friend. The Player's Handbook wasn't that helpful at first since because of my disability I just can't imagine all the shapes in my head to figure them, which is why this video will be super helpful for me to understand how the dices are supposed to work when you are playing D&D. So thank you for that :)


Thank you for going back to explain the double d10 roll with the percentile die. That's the whole reason I was watching this video in the first place. Much appreciated.


One quick tip, even as a veteran gamer of 30 years, I sometimes at first glance get the d12 and d20 mixed up. Both look like pretty round balls, unless you know what you're looking for.
Look at the faces. If the faces are triangles, that's a d20. If the faces are pentagons (5 sided shapes), it's a d12.

With d8 and d10, the faces of the d8 are triangles. The d10 faces can be a little variable but will at least roughly be elongated diamonds.

And watch out for the d4s if they fall on the floor, these are designed to double as caltrops and will pierce your feet if you step on them without shoes.

Back in the day, dice sets came without the percentile dice. You just got the d10 and you either rolled it twice, or you rolled two different ones of different colors and remembered which you had designed as the hundreds place. (I've seen a few tables used some places that have you roll 3 d10s and generate 1-1000...). Apparently even backer in the day (before my time), you just got a d20, number 1-10 twice rather than the d10.


Thank you so much! These videos have given me a rundown of D&D so I have a little more info before playing with my friends who have been playing since childhood. This channel is awesome!


Thanks. I am crocheting a dice bag for a guy I adore and I needed to see the smallest dice to know whether I needed to line the bag or not.


I had a minor problem with this video the first time it was uploaded. Had to pull the video and re-upload. I hope there wasn't any confusion. Mistakes happen when uploading at 2AM lol.


Absolutely, the entire vid was useful and informative. The bit about the 1 to exact 100 on the percentile was super helpful


Well, the whole '1d6' listed in attacks makes MUCH more sense now. Good video :D


Ty for explaining what each dice do and especially the D10s. I just got my first set and was confused why I had two of the same but one had 00 and the other was 0.

Starting my first DnD game next week and we are going to make our characters and such. I’m super shy so very nervous but always wanted to play ever since I found TFS: At The Table on YouTube and was enjoying the story for their game. :)


I’m very old and have played D&D for decades. I’m now learning Pathfinder. This is an excellent video for people who are just getting started with d20 games. All the dice can be confusing.

I also liked your inclusion of why you might want multiples of the same die. I was out of town earlier this year, playing at PaizoCon in a game store. I bought a couple of extra sets of dice just for the reason you mentioned: I needed to roll 3d4 for a spell I used a lot and it just made sense to HAVE 3 d4s instead of rolling 1d4x3.


Out of all the videos this one helped the most will be watching your other videos


This helped so much thank you I have marked down some notes and stuff now I know how to use dice onto the next steps of learning to DM ig


I want to be a DM because I’m interested in writing stuff, so I’m learning everything about D&D. They were confusing at first, but after watching them repeatedly, I slightly get the gist. I watched other videos on the guide to D&D from characters to character sheets to dices, so your video helps a lot. I don’t think I’m going to be a DM soon because I’m learning the rules (though I’ll tend to ignore some in order fit my play style better). And I’m planning to build the world as well as NPCs and enemies first. Thanks for the guide of the dices 👍🏻.


thanks mate, i wanted to get into D&D for a while now and this has been a huge help.


Very helpful my guy, I played DND several years ago at a collectors connection so so many things have also changed up, great buddy of mine who played been passed away and buried with his dice set, I wanted to get back into it for him but no one to actually play along with anymore, maybe online might help


Awesome video! I am going to show this to my new players. This Will help them out alot.


I am super new to playing d&d this was super helpful! The first encounter I had with five was someone saying oh roll a d10 I held out a handful of dice and said what one!? 😅 Thank you for this!


A quick thing of note with d10s and percentiles in particular is that it makes for a great d100 if one ever finds themselves playing a TTRPG with that spesific system.
Forgive the mentioning of other systems when this is spesifically about DnD.

For those wondering, there do exist d100s. The problem is it look like an oversized golf ball and its a bit hard to tell what number you rolled.


Thank you for this video. My two adult children are D and D DMs and I know noooothing about it. When I found the most beautiful sets of dice and wanted to be sure they were "right" for them. And they are. Thank you.💯


Going to be honest the first time I played d&d I had no idea what any of the dice did I still didn't not until this video thank you and I still have no idea
