How Rivers Were Built In Libya Right Under The Sahara. Gaddafi's Unbelievable Project

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Two thirds of our planet is covered in water, but there isn't nearly as much fresh water. Only 3% of the world's water is fresh and it isn't distributed evenly at all.
Many countries have a freshwater deficit and that's a serious problem for several of them.
A problem that's solved in different ways. The most ambitious project was attempted by Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. His impressive creation is known as the Great Man-Made River.
#Pandora US#
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Gaddafi was not a dictator. He was a great man and had the best vision for his country band Africa. Dictatorship was just a make believe by the western because he didn't let them have their way. Long live Mummar Gaddafi.


As a person who lived in Libya for 2 years I found Gathaffi was a truly ambitious nation wide leader who had a dream about Africa. Back in 1999 I saw Libya was ahead of the majority of Arab countries. He had a dream where Africa is the new Europ and it was clear by opening borders to all of the neighbouring countries and that was super brave along side with the plan of a united currency that caused a major threat to the world leader. He was a great leader born in the wrong time. Never ever seen a homeless people, beggers, or any kind of needy people. Free food was being given away by the government. Free education and free health care. How crazy that was


I am from India. I saw the Libyan Civil war on TV. I saw people rushed to the hospitals, we also see fighting in the streets. Eventhough i saw much carnage, i could also see that Libyans enjoyed a relatively high standard of living. Their hospital ER, the streets, eventhough ransacked was better than all their neighbours. I came to a realisation that Gaddafi might not be the man the West said he was. Its such a shame that a great project for the nation is in ruins.


No one in Libya will ever be like Gaddafi. This man is a Legend🕊️


Under Khadfi Libya became the most advanced economy in Africa.
But when he announced they'd create a gold-based currency, his days were numbered.


The main reason of europe and america hatred is that he was a leader and was a man who taught nation to stand on their own feet


6:55 you said "the war caused damage to the already built sections"
Correction: ""The AMERICANS caused damage to the already built sections"".
The AMERICANS specifically targeted The Great Man-Made River to destroy Libya. Please make sure you give credit to America for the horrifying destruction they caused.


Support to the great Gaddafi from Serbia! ☦


Gaddafi was not a tyrant...or a dictator... respect him for what he was....a revolutionary!!


I'm not even African but I have alot of love for my African brothers and sisters. Although I live in the western world I take the news here with a pinch of salt. Even though I've not lived in Libya I can tell Gaddafi was a hero to most. Even seeing comments from people from other African countries show he was a visionary and cared only for the goodness of his people and his neighbouring countries. I dont need to believe what our media says about Gaddafi. I'd rather believe the African people themselves when it comes to judging Gaddafi. The problem with the western people and the whole world in general is that they are brainwashed by the media who have their own agenda. If anyone needs to face justice, it's the western leaders who have looted and destroyed the rest of the world, especially Africa. We all know Africa has the most natural resources!


I was a young African in Libya in the late 70's.
A Libya where Education, Health care, Housing was a fundamental right for a Citizen and Col Gaddafi had extended the same to his many African brother's and sisters.Col Gaddafi restored dignity to the African and Libyan people after coming out of a ruthless Italian colonial and neo colonial. sphere. The narrator should in this day and age correct his narrative on Gaddafi, the very nature and facts of this great project should open his eye's to the true Nature of the Value and Contribution of Col Gaddafi to Libya and Africa.


My Name is “Chris the Alemany”, I lived in Benghazi and worked in Libya, from 1977 until 1984. During all that time both in the cities and travelling mostly alone WITHOUT any mobile tele communication, throughout the country, like Tobruk, Misurata, Kufra, and many more sites needing a new equipment for health care and hospital. I never once felt unsafe or in any danger. I could leave my wife and my child alone in the house, OK we had a German Alsatian, in the certain knowledge that they would never be harmed. Ghaddafi, in those days, I meet with several times, devoted enormous resources to support and provide needs for the Libyan people. I had fantastic helpful local friends as colleges und neighbors. Regards Chris of GUT RATTELVITZ Baltic Sea


Gaddafi was only a dictator to the west and Europe. To the area where he lived, he was a legend and brought water and jobs and peace to his people.


I was in Libya when this was being built. It was one of the greatest engineering projects of the century but the west could not leave Libya and Gadaffi alone. He set up free hospital and medical and many other public services but when he wanted to unite the African nations and talked of a gold supported economy for Africa the west had to get rid of him. Who started all of this? Well Gaddafi came to power and immediately set about telling America to remove their military bases from Libya. This didn’t go down too well because the US were also taking oil so they turned around and bombed Tripoli and Benghazi and in doing so killed Gaddafi s daughter and the rest is history. While I was there I read a paper called “ the Maltese double cross”, it had to do with lots of political anomaly and the bombing of the Lockerbie plane crash, I still don’t believe Libya has anything to do with that.


Those who don't know the true cost of war shall never value peace.
Libyans are a perfect example.


I lived and worked in Libya for several years, during the time of Co. Gaddsfi, he did for Libyan people more then anyone in their history, he built the country, modern roads, hospitals in every city, industrial facilities and good life standard for Libyans, housing, electricity and gasoline was almost free, stores was full of goods for all over the ward also very cheap. Col. Gaddafi by all standards deserve respect.


First of all he's not a dictator or a tyrant, he was a true African leader who refused to follow Whitman's command on how to rule his nation and decided to provide for Libyans in the end they killed him for his true Africanism the same was done to Magufuli


My father worked in the Great Man Made River Project for 25 years as one of the Crane Operators. The Crane that was used there was recorded in the Guinness World Record prior to the death of Ghadafi. Brega plant was severely damaged and the project was put on halt since then. It is so sad that the project was put to waste and its grandeur was just a memory.


A "dictator" who's every actions were to take care of his people thr best way possible... The world needs more dictators if that's how dictators govern their countries


Gaddafi was a hero of the modern age. A real life true hero.
