James White & Michael Brown LIVE on Church Division

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Dr. Michael Brown -

Bibledingers -

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I'm a charismatic on melatonin lol I find both Dr. White and Dr. Brown to be beneficial to my growth. While both are a bit deeper in their camps than I like and have stances I don't agree with, the fact that they are brothers in arms, genuine friends, and actual learn from each other is encouraging to my soul. They are a great example of Christian unity, and both men have earned even more of my respect.


Love brother Michael Brown and brother James White, thank you for having them on


Dr Brown is the real deal, loves God with His whole heart. Too many Heresy hunters out there with No love for the Church that Jesus Christ loves. Good grief does anyone have everything perfect? I disagree with Dr Brown on several issues eschatology Israel but he’s a great example to Follow.


I read "How Saved are We?" by Dr Brown early on in my Christian walk and was challenged and blessed by it. I started out Pentecostal and became Reformed although I am not a cessationist. Dr White is often accused of lacking grace but I don't accept that. Also, "The God Who Justifies" may be the best book written on the subject of justification. I have also remained a big supporter of Israel and a historic Premillennialist and I think every Christian should read "Our Hands Are Stained With Blood" by Dr Brown.


Seems no one in this comments section has the grace God afforded them. These men are about as far from wolves as you could be and in they may have their missteps, but you might need to check yourself before God does. This is how men in the Kingdom actually interact.


I loved this conversation. I am Reformed and a cessationist. And I have had my concerns and critiques of Dr. Brown over the last few years I’ve known of him. However, the more I see of him, or listen to what he actually says, the more I feel for him and sympathize with his overwhelming desire for unity. Now, I think he can go too far and can seemingly be naive regarding certain things and people, but like Dr. White, I believe Dr. Brown is as much a Brother in Christ as I am. And to be perfectly frank, I hope to have even a fraction of the sincerity, passion, love, grace and Biblical understanding that Dr. Brown has. I don’t have to agree with even half of what he says, to see he is obviously a man who has a tremendous heart for God and for God’s people. For anyone who may disagree with me, ask me what I think about someone like Bill Johnson or Steven Furtick. I’m no one’s lap dog. I just see a sincere man who loves Christ and whom I disagree with on several very important, secondary issues.


Thank you for this. I am an inbetweener. Not a Charismatic (though I listen to Dr. Brown regularly and agree with so much on the other subjects). Dr. White on the other hand I have avoided. I am not reformed and found his hard line offensive to the universal church body that agree on the essentials, . But this dialogue has changed my mind. So many in his camp are so quick to use the heretic label, calling me unsaved for my theological differences, it turns me off. I will now consider listening to Dr. White. I dont mind hearing other views. It helps me look more closely at scripture.


These two men have been one of the best modern examples of Christian unity. Christ's bride has been and continues to be beaten up by unnecessary sectarianism. Convictions of faith, when sincerely prompted by scripture, should be held tightly, but always in conjunction with grace & charity for other followers of Christ who might see things a little differently. Thanks for hosting both gentlemen and giving them an opportunity to share their testimonies in this area.


Thanks guys for having this dialogue! Loved it, I've been a years-long fan of both Dr. White and Dr. Brown. There are plenty of us who, like you, are starved for mature, respectful conversations. Thanks for doing your part to foster a better way.


Awe! 😢 I love both of these brothers so much. I am a Calvinist, and I believe all the 5 points, and when I see this brother, Dr. Brown holding back tears in pointing out that issue made my heart go out for him. You can see his love for Christ and his love for Peters in his eyes. Surely he could care a less about what people say about him. So let that be your lens when seeing his broken heart… that’s all I got to say.


When you spend a significant amount of time away from YouTube and then return, the overwhelming amount of unnecessary hate, division, slander, and sensationalism is painfully obvious. Thanks for bucking that trend, Bibledingers.

Some people get mad because you aren't making enough people mad. LOL! I enjoyed this conversation. :)


Unity must never be at the expense of essential truths. Biblical unity is not being buddies with anyone that slaps on the label "Christian, " it is unity in the Spirit.

Different people draw those essential lines in different places, so there will never be a time that all Christians can be in complete unity, because some are in sin.


This was a great talk on unity in the body! I’ve been hyper-charismatic/pentecostal, reformed Baptist cessationist, now a continuationist/charismatic. I see things from both sides and loved the dialogue. Don’t love the comments in the chat so much. God Bless @bibledingers for promoting unity. 🙏🏻❤️


This was great. Loved this conversation and the unity displayed. Well done Bible dingers!


I was just thinking about your two guest and was wondering if they continued their friendship, This video has confirmed this for me. I’m thankful and encouraged after viewing this. Have been discouraged over the the disunity and criticisms that I have seen over secondary issues. Have truly been refreshed after seeing these two men together. God has truly used them as a team that contended for the truth as they debated as a team.


Loved this video so much. God bless both of these apologists, and this channel. Thank you!


Dr. Michael Brown, who you come along side with is important. Let's not push that to the side.


This was a great conversation. I love both of these brothers in Christ and have grown closer to the Lord as a result of both of these men's ministries. Glad to see this friendship.


Although they are friendly with each other, what divides them and what divides every other denomination is the differences in their doctrine.

Division in the church is unavoidable, however, this stream shows we could have loving, friendly division…

Our prayer should be for the return of Christ so that we can finally find the unity that our soul’s desires!



I have benefited so much listening to these brothers discuss and debate so many biblical doctrines. Such a blessing.
