13 Signs She's Stringing You Along

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Sometimes when women really enjoy your attention & the validation that you give them, but are not completely feeling a high level of attraction for you, they will lead you to believe that there's a chance for a relationship or sex with them, but it will never really happen. You can waste weeks, months or years or your life waiting for that to come, but it never does. She's stringing you along or leading you on.
In this Attraction Tips video I'm going to be discussing 13 common signs that a woman is stringing you along, why you're falling for it, & what you can do to stop it. And if you continue going along with this it will eventually turn into resentment towards her & anger towards yourself for continuing to fall for it. #mensdatingadvice #deceptivetactics #redflagsindating #selfrespect
I'm Erik Peterson, a men's relationship & dating coach, and at Skill of Attraction I provide dating tips & relationship advice, mainly for men, to help facilitate growing & maintaining attraction in their romantic relationships to where it's fun, loving & relatively effortless.
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These other videos of mine may help --
"Don't Allow Yourself To Be Kept In Limbo":
"Getting Your Needs Met With Women":
"When Your Girl Stops Putting In Effort":
"Women Don't Care How You Feel":
In this Attraction Tips video I'm going to be discussing 13 common signs that a woman is stringing you along, why you're falling for it, & what you can do to stop it. And if you continue going along with this it will eventually turn into resentment towards her & anger towards yourself for continuing to fall for it. #mensdatingadvice #deceptivetactics #redflagsindating #selfrespect
I'm Erik Peterson, a men's relationship & dating coach, and at Skill of Attraction I provide dating tips & relationship advice, mainly for men, to help facilitate growing & maintaining attraction in their romantic relationships to where it's fun, loving & relatively effortless.
Or you can now donate Bitcoin: 358oxKHqq58N5HbLuBA79VD1RRveZ88LdK
These other videos of mine may help --
"Don't Allow Yourself To Be Kept In Limbo":
"Getting Your Needs Met With Women":
"When Your Girl Stops Putting In Effort":
"Women Don't Care How You Feel":