Using the sum formula of the Subtotal function

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Using the Sub total function.
In the following table, we see a lot of data along with the grand total. But what can we do if we want the sum of the brand or Sub brand. We simply type subtotal, open bracket, and we see a lot of functions appearing in the box. This is the subtotal function box and we can apply each of these for various purposes.
For our purpose we double-click on 9 and use the comma, which is the sum, we can also manually type 9 and apply the comma, then we select the entire range and hit enter.
We now see that the total is appearing in the cell.
Now we go to column A and select brand 1, we see that the total has changed. This is the correct answer of the sum of Brand 1, we select brand 3 and again the total changes. We can do this for to get the totals for sub brand also.
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Рекомендации по теме

But when there is negative value, then how can subtotal work?
