Garter Snakes everywhere! Must save them before the neighbors kill them all.

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Dave and Jeremy try to collect and relocate as many garter snakes as they can from a woman's home whos yard is filled with them. She needs to repair the concrete that they emerge from and the neighbors are killing every snake they find with rakes and shovels. Even though relocating snakes usually a bad idea for the snakes, the immediate alternative is death and destruction. If the females can give birth in the new location where we now dens are then the next generation will survive and thrive.
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I hate people that don’t know anything about snakes and kill them like that. That’s why I feel reptile education is so important and wish schools did more to educate people on there wildlife and how important these animals are


I love these little guys! I come across them alot when walking trails. I love taking wildlife photos and they're always too quick for me to get a shot. They blend in so well.


Garters are fun to play with! So sad how people kill them. There truly docile snakes when worked with.


Really nice work guys, it’s a shame to see the fear that persists in those neighbors but you did an awesome job of catching the garters to relocate them. I hope the adults were able to establish a new territory there. Great video!
- Harrison and Evan


They’re so fast! I can’t believe you guys could catch them so easily!


Hi from Pennsylvania. Gater snakes are harmless and help keep pest away. . Please do not harm them.😊😊


My parents have a stone wall wrapped around there house in New England, it has mortar between stones, but a tonn of cracks! It's a 42 year old wall 🧱. Tons of garter snakes 🐍. I love em


Not trying to be a angry snake lover here. But honestly where can they go but in the cluttered back yard unkept places and grass as tall as you knee caps? Hint people don't leave your trash laying about maybe then these defenseless and HARMLESS creatures wont look for refuge. Good job guys!!! Looking out for them!!!


We have so many Thamnophis dens. (Columbia River/Oregon)

During breeding season, it's not uncommon for me to find more than 100 in the open! They are quite social.
It's horrible, when development happens, I'll find them slaughtered all over the place. :(
Great video!


Nice going fellas! I spent an hour waiting for a garter to get out of an expansion joint in my driveway before I caught it. because I need to seal them. I am a lifelong Garter enthusiast. Growing up in Chicago they were the only snake we would see and it was rare. Garters were the "gateway drug" to many of us grown men who still can't walk by a piece of plywood or a rotting log without flipping it. It contributed to a lifelong appreciation and fascination of nature which I pass on to whomever I can. I strongly believe that those unfortunate snakes were attracted to a great wintering spot, once that is gone so will they, I've seen deep rock piles in emote places that harbor garters . Also think narcissus snake dens That person next door.. what an awful way treat an harmless- benign creature. We are too stupid of a country and culture to appreciate nature we handed.


Gartersnakes - once you've thoroughly indulged yourself finding the other species out there - you realize what total gems garters are. So much variation and they can be so stunning. Regarding relocation, depending on latitude you really need to be near denning features to have a good chance of any of them surviving. Even the babies will die if they can't find a deep enough hole with the right attributes in the fall.


Hi from Pennsylvania. I grew up very rural. Very close to a huge forest. I've played with black rat snakes and garter snakes since I've been 3 years old. Please do not hurt garter snakes and black snakes they are your friend.😊


Found one on my porch this morning staring at me it was 26 inches 😂


Aw, man. So sad the neighbour did what they did. Garters are so calm and gentle, and they’re literally keeping their yard clear of mice and various other small creatures and insects. 😢😭 I used to play with garters when I was a kid and never once had a bad experience with them. My mom used to be creeped out by snakes but got over her fear when I showed her how awesome they were. This was back in the 80s.


Sons of Medusa the men and the snakes :) I was a middle school science and math teacher and had a few boys in my class like even hid a garter snake in my desk and was surprised when I did not overreact but came and got him to retrieve it. We both had a good laugh but I did tell him it was not fair to the snake and asked him to free it.


As a mail carrier a see them all the time


Great video Dave! You were nicer to those people who ignorantly killed snakes than I would have been. 😎


Oh, this looks like so much fun! I have a question, though - I recently learned that garter snakes actually might bite, though their venom is harmless to humans. Why don't you hold them with one hand close behind the head so there's no chance of a bite? The few times I had to pick one up (maybe 4 decades ago), I always did that. Is that bad? And since you do not, how often do you get bitten? Such wonderful little guys - I'm glad you save them.


Wow, I wish my yard had this much activity.


I disagree. No, you can't "yell at them, " but you _can_ look them in the face and say "these snakes are good for our environment, harmless to you or any other human, and you should not kill them!" Direct, clear communication has an effect. Of course it's likely that you'll have a language barrier, but Mexicans tend to respect what others say when it's stated strongly as fact. I would've personally done this. Also, that one you took from the snake-murderer was flicking. Did you dispatch it?
