Islamic Scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein - What Non-Muslims Need to Know About Islam

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Islamic Scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein - What Non-Muslims Need to Know About Islam

Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein is an Islamic scholar who specialises in contemporary interpretations of Islamic eschatology (a field of study in Islam concerning future events that would happen in the end times that is primarily based on sources from the Quran and Sunnah).

Sheikh Imran gave up his career as a diplomat in 1985 to dedicate his life to the mission of Islam, since then a tireless missionary who travels for years at a time in the cause of Islam, including in Malaysia, where he is occasionally based.

Sheikh Imran is also a commentator on international monetary economics, advocating for the establishment of free-markets and currency with intrinsic value as a means of savings and aversion of a pending collapse of the “world of paper money”.

(Many thanks to CITYPlus for their collaboration with The Do More Podcast, in whose studio this conversation was recorded. CITYPlus is Malaysia's first Chinese business radio station, dedicated to delivering in-depth analysis on local and international current affairs, markets, and businesses.)

00:03:04 - Who is Sheikh Imran Hosein?
00:07:11 - What Do Non-Muslims Need to Know About Islam?
00:14:14 - There Remain Many Misconceptions ..
00:17:40 - How Can There Be One Truth, One God When There Are So Many Different Faiths?
00:18:29 - And Yet Humankind Is So Different..
00:19:59 - Why Are We So Suspicious and Fearful of Each Other?
00:21:15 - The West Gave Us Bogus Money To Enslave People
00:22:46 - Why Did Nixon Take America Off the Gold Standard?
00:30:35 - People Are Fleeing the US Dollar in Droves
00:31:36 - Islamic Eschatology: The End of History and The End of The World
00:38:25 - Currencies Are Bogus
00:39:07 - Electronic Money Is Bogus
00:40:05 - Slavery Exists Today - In Fact, It’s Widespread
00:45:01 - The Great War, Nuclear In Nature .. How Close Are We To The End Times?
00:49:20 - Fact-Based Naysayers Might Object .. ?
00:51:59 - Russia-Ukraine War: How Does it Expand From There?
00:58:59 - The World Is Moving Towards a Muslim-Christian Alliance
01:01:22 - What Should We Know About What’s Happening in the Middle East?
01:04:32 - Islam: A Religion of Unity, Brotherhood and Sisterhood .. Correct?
01:06:22 - It Appears That Islam Has Been Captured by the Oppressors ..
01:08:06 - How Does One Prepare for a Future That Is Full of Difficulties?
01:10:16 - In Islamic Eschatology, What Do the End Times Look Like?
01:12:55 - In Malaysia, How Do We Live Together More Peacefully?
01:16:47 - Sheikh Imran’s Parting Words for Malaysians






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This is the first of your videos i have watched. Well I haven’t watch it fully but I will later. Never in my wildest dreams would I expect a non-muslim Malaysian to even know sheikh Imran, let alone interview him. Even muslims wouldnt want to interview him. Kudos to you!

Just some background, the sheikh is not mainstream in his views and is very controversial among the international muslim interlectuals. His views are too different from the mainstream and his methodology of coming up with his conclusion is unorthodox.

Having said that, i do follow his talks on youtube and his views do make sense. I particularly like his opinion on the role of the different faiths in the end of times. But, his refferences arw a bit sus, so I take what he says with a grain of salt.

His opinion on fiat money and the monetary system is spot on, but because he doesnt accept other solutions than by using hard gold and silver as currency, the quest for a soultion is a non starter.


Being a Muslim conservative, i have to respect this podcast. Eye opener to all Malaysians. Great job Chuang for having Sheikh Imran. ❤


“Thank the Lord for the multiplicity, diversity.”🙏🏽Awesome, always believed so.


Excellent conversation! Thoroughly enjoyed listening to this one. As a foreigner who has previously lived in Malaysia for 4 years, this is exactly the type of conversations that bridges the gap between people and unites a nation on common grounds of respect and understanding. Thank you Chuang!


When sheikh imran and his driver arrived at the studio, mr chuang asked the mans driver how should he address sheikh imran, whether to call him sheikh or tuan or tok guru etc.. courtesy so. The driver than tell mr.chuang to ask the man himself.

Great work mr.chuang ❤
Peace to all


Enjoyed this dialogue v much, tqsm for inviting this guest Sheikh Imran


I'm going to first start off and say, wow! This interview is absolutely brilliant. Not only were the topics discussed close to my heart, but I believe they're very much pivotal in bridging the gap between us Malaysians and ultimately understanding the actual truth. Thank you so much Sheik Imran and Chuang!


Mr Chuang and Sheikh Imran Hosein congratulations to both of you; Sheikh, you are very frank and hit the nail vis a vis the source of ‘religious communities’ and RELIGION!You are extremely right!


Well done, fantastic interview. Hope you benefited.

Sheikh Imran Hosein is in class of his own with his in-depth knowledge and mastery of critical areas of happenings in the world today.


Just completed watching for the 2nd time, since it’s absolutely a joy to watch this very wise, extremely intelligent and learned,
fearless in speaking the truth scholar.
Since am a student of the Vedas, I can relate to his revelation of the end of time, the antagonist, finally the arrival of the Messiah after 2000 years. He did say that (to paraphrase) it does not matter whether we are Christians, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Confucian, a Taoist, a Jew, all of mankind will be affected by the event. I must agree.
My gratitude to the great scholar for explaining in depth.
Said it before, nevertheless saying it again, thanks to the host for this very insightful podcast.🙏🏽


Masya Chuang!...and alhamdulillah and great thanks to Sheikh Imran Hosein for responding to "ilham" from Allah subhanahu wata'ala and put into good action (amal soleh) by putting those good words as prompted by questions from brother Chuang!...a good start in Malaysia! Well done!


I was glued to My laptop till 1.30 am ! Love it . One of your best .


The honorable Sheak Umran Husien is my favorite Islamic scholar and super friend of the Orthodox faith.
May God Allah give him long life.


I still have difficulty believing that recording and presenting a clip of this nature by a non-Muslim in Malaysia is even possible. Chuang must be lauded for having the courage to venture into this uncharted territory. Sheikh Imran Hussein is a thoroughbred well grounded Islamic scholar who is not at all afraid of calling a spade a spade. Only someone with spine can host someone like him and Chuang has proven he is so. People may differ with the view of the Sheikh but no one can afford not to give him a sober hearing in these chaotic age ! 😅


Omg Chuang. You are so brave. I don't think chinese is ready for this. I give credit to your bravery. You are not like the rest. My respect for you Chuang. I understand its hard to understand Islam or even to sit with old man(famous Islam old man) and listen to Islam, its a brave and patience act from you. I wish your podcast a succeessful future. I hope more discussion from your podcast. 🎉


😍Sheikh #ImranHosein is One in a Million...With a Backbone Like a Steel...And Kind Hearted ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 Also With a Brilliant Brain 🧠 Maa'Shaa'Allah🎊


Peace be upon you My Beloved Brother's a great honour and my pleasures to watch and hear your podcast with one my beloved teacher and Maulana...IHN... keep coming for more of these kind of podcast in future...all the best wishes for you Brother...🤲🏽☝🏽💚


Wow... i never expected this interview. It’s been a time since I followed Sh Imran, during the hay days of YouTube and conspiracy theories. Although I do delve in theories beyond theological or esotericism, but personally as a Muslim, I believe we are slightly too engrossed in upholding an institution rather than a belief to the way of life. MY, for example is a good example of these religious institutions, designed to integrate and assimilate with diverse cultures to sell, secure and rule.


As a Peranakan Chinese beliver in Jesus and grew up in a Malay Muslim community and well travelled, this is the truth that I witnessed among true Muslim in their home and community. This truth will set Malaysian free. Allowing us to view ourselves as an all inclusive unique society.


-Those who failed to think will pay a price to it.
-Not some should believe we are born to be superior than the other
-The diversity among human is not a liability, it's an asset. it is similar to the difference of colour of the flowers in the garden.
-When all through history, we've had this splendor of different ppl, different culture, different cuisine, different languages, different clothing and it was a wondrous thing to travel and see the multiplicity of mankind. This is not an liability chang, this is an asset.
