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Civilization in Overdrive: Conversations at the Edge of the Human Future
Paperback – November 15, 2020
by Konrad Stachnio
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This interview with a scholar from Poland, which has now been published (with all the other interviews) in a book (Civilization in Overdrive: Conversations at the Edge of the Human Future - by Konrad Stachnio), took place in London in April 2019. It is particularly relevant to those Christians who have only recently been introduced to my Islamic Eschatology because of the Armenia-Azerbaijan war. I do hope that they will take a little time to view it Insha Allah. Imran N. Hosein


I so thankful to Allahu AKBAR for you and your videos. You are Allah's instrument that inspired me to convert to islam from a being former islamphophic Christian native Indian here in Dallas Texas to the right path of Islam. I prayed and included you in my dua for you and your family after my shahada and may Allah give you eternal Paradise amin


Why is it so terribly difficult for some viewers to understand the Qur'an which has declared that it is the Lord-God and NOT Imran Hosein who will decide who are the followers of Jesus عليه السلام who will be raised to that position of dominance in the world, and would remain dominant until the end of the world??? I have simply recognized Orthodox Christian Russia to have suddenly been raised to a position of military dominance over an oppressor NATO, and while this is bad news for those who have eyes and yet cannot see, and have consequently been waging a bogus Jihad in Syria and elsewhere, it is good news for the rest of us who understand the blessed Qur'an. INH


CIVILIZATION IN OVERDRIVE: Conversations at the Edge of the Human Future provides an astonishing tour of how the world’s future looks to those likely to know the most about it. Journalist Konrad Stachnio engages 17 experts, global opinion leaders in their respective fields, in discussions on artificial intelligence, finance, the economy, technology, world order, the military, cultural change and more. His well-researched and probing questions draw out striking revelations from his guests on where 21st century civilization is leading us, raising further questions as to whether we want to go there, and if that could be prevented. The trends anticipated by the interviewees are ground-breaking, sometimes shocking. This book is a plunge into the unexpected, forcing us to bid farewell to our familiar yet increasingly complex world which is irrevocably disappearing before our eyes and morphing into dimensions even more complex and less comprehensible. Interviewees and topics include:

Douglas Rushkoff, named by MIT as one of the “world’s ten most influential intellectuals, ” on whether we still have the chance to be self-determining individuals in the all-encompassing world of algorithms and AI.

John Perkins, the author of the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, which spent over 70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and has been published in 32 languages worldwide on the global revolution just around the corner.

Aleksandr Dugin, one of the best-known writers and political commentators in post-Soviet Russia, considered one of the most contentious thinkers of the modern world, on whether the modern technological path we take is inevitable.

Tim Draper, one of the most successful venture capitalists of all time, as well as among the most instrumental and prominent people in Silicon Valley today, on Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and how they will affect finance, economics, and work.

William Binney former geopolitical world Technical Director of NSA about what digital terrorism will look like in the future and whether we already live in the Chinese model of ‘social credit’.

Mikhail A. Lebedev, award-winning scientist in the fields of Neurophysiology and Brain-Computer Interfaces on the impact connecting their brains with machines and implanting chips into them will have on people.

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Treasury Secretary, Wall Street Journal Associate Editor,

And more...


Sheikhs words are shaking the hearts of the devil


One of the most profound discussion session our beloved Sheikh Imran has ever given!


Love Sheikh Imran Hosein great speaker May Allah bless him immensely


May Allah bless you for sharing such an important knowledge to the world. Ameen!!


Still Listening, Dear Sheikh...Allah Protect You!


Thank you, Mr. Hosein, for taking the side of Serbs and Serbia. I wish there were more Muslims like you.
May Allah give you happiness and health, inshallah. Greetings from Serbia


I sincerely love Sheikh Imran Husein. He is the only Scholar who understands this topic in a manner that has never been understood before. May Allah show you your seat in Jannatul Firdaws before you leave this filthy, temporal and ephemeral world that Dajjal seeks to build.As for Dajjal, he is already on his way to creating an artificial "Brain", called the CLOUD that will do the thinking for his Godless system he has already successfully created. May Allah Protect this Ummah!!!!Ameeen


as our HolyQuran said, our closest friendship will be with the people who called themself as Nasara people (Christians).
prophet Muhammad pbuh also said about the time when dhalim leaders come to power and lies and deceptions spread. at that time, we are told to struck the sword to the stone and go (which means do not take part in it). that is the phase 4 of Islamic age, started after caliphate system destroyed.

thats why Islamic world is not part of the world-scale arms race.
some countries try, but wouldnt come to what the west, russia, and china has achieved.
the great war (malhamah qubra) will happen between those superpowers. well, we will also get sucked into that pit though. my best guess, Islamic countries either be in defensive actions, or tossed here and there between those factions.

Sheikh Imran's claim of Russia (orthodox christian) victory seems possible, and the Islamic 'army' who liberate Constantinople take great part in achieving this victory. Crimea (as the port) and Constantinople (as naval passageway) will be the key part.
Reconciliation between Muslims and Christians (orthodox church) is very important.
Thats why Sheiks Imran insist on giving back Hagia Sophia back to orthodox Christian as a part of the reconciliation.

Russia will win the war, but they wouldnt rule the world, because they also beaten to pulp (remember only 1 of 100 will survive the great war). Thats why the last remnant of Rum (orthodox church) and Islamic alliance will fight against the new superpower, Dajjal and his jews armies.
The alliance will eventually besieged in Damascus until the second arrival of Isa/Jesus pbuh.

After this, the Islamic Forces will destroy Jews Forces and Isa/Jesus kills Dajjal. Then Isa/Jesus will lead this Islamic Forces to reclaim Jerussalem.
Question: Why there is no Rum (orthodox Christian) army?
the answer is simple, because they revert to the true teaching after Isa/Jesus' arrival and become muslims. They will also take part in liberating the Jerussalem, but not as Christians anymore.

these are some of my personal interpretaion, so there will always doors of mistake open up.
if im wrong in the bad part, i will gladly accept it.
if im wrong in the good part, i ask Allah to give us far more better solution on that matter.


Aslamualkum Ya Shk May Allah forgive protecting guiding you give the stress of this life in the hereafter give you the owners of this life in the hereafter May Allah has mercy on your soul inshallah Mashallah jazakallah


When I took the shardah I looked at the sun ⛅ and I seen a earth to the right?? What is this meaning? The moon was pulsing I thought I was dying my friend!!! Now my 3rd is fully open strange things are going on!!! Everytime I go to do something I'm prevented from doing it!!! This is gonna sound mad I've only ever wanted to do 2 things archeology/ history or picking fruit!!! I keep seeing things before they happen and Allah keeps giving me free will now I'm awake... I'm linking in with animals it's like they talk to me maybe I was chosen because I have no friends and someone's seen something in me!!! I was talking to my dad and I was reading his words before he spoke!!! I believe but just had a battle with the dragon all I need is someone to give me chance I need a job and would do anything!!!


If Allah said that he created everything into two or pairs and the prophet saw said that even prophet Noah warned his people about dajjal back then i think the guy was still around even back then as the opposite of shaitan


May Allah (swt) keep you in good health, mentally, spiritually and physically . say Ameen !


Sheikh Imran Hosein to my understanding, Jesus (Essa A. S.) was sent to only Israelis (Israel). I understood from your explanation the Orthodox Christians are originated from the Jews. Now when Jesus (Essa A. S) will come back will people who are non Jew and claim Orthodox Christianity be accepted as his Umah?


Wow what times we are living praise God to be Emanuel And his kingdom to reign for ever and ever no end amen


Saya pernah dengar dan liat di YT sheikh Imran Hosein, bahwa nanti uang digital akan semakin dipakai dibanding uang kertas, jadi harus dimulai dr daerah yg paling kecil untuk mulai pertukaran pakai emas. Lalu Indonesia akan ada kerusuhan di usianya yg ke 75. Saya ingat sekali tapi saya lupa judulnya apa.


MASHALLAH SHEAKH may ALLAH give you long life.
