The Most Effective Response To A Narcissist's False Accusations

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In this empowering YouTube video, titled "The Most Effective Response To A Narcissist's False Accusations," join our leading authority on negotiating with narcissists as we delve into proven strategies for reclaiming your power when faced with baseless allegations. Discover how to assertively communicate, set boundaries, and navigate these challenging situations with confidence, resilience, and unwavering self-worth. Our empathetic and supportive guidance will equip you with the tools needed to transform high-conflict interactions into opportunities for personal growth and positive change. Join our thriving community and begin your journey towards empowerment today. #Narcissist #FalseAccusations #Empowerment #EffectiveResponse #SelfWorth #Confidence #HighConflict #Negotiation #PersonalGrowth #EmpowerYourself

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About Rebecca Zung:
⭐Rebecca Zung is a globally sought after expert in the art of negotiation and high conflict communication.

Speaking on platforms worldwide, she is also a bestselling author of several books including the USA Today National Bestselling book SLAY the Bully: How to Negotiate with a Narcissist and Win and she’s a YouTube celebrity (more than 40 million views in just 3 years).

She’s also the founder of the proprietary SLAY® Method of negotiating with narcissists and her programs have transformed thousands of lives in more than 100 countries and on every continent.

Prior to this career, she was Top 1% of attorneys in the nation, having been recognized by U.S. News one of the Best Lawyers in America. But her journey wasn’t always easy. Married at 19 the first time, she had 3 children by the age of 23 and then was a divorced single mom when she decided to go back to law school. She went from being a single mom, college dropout, to becoming one the most powerful lawyers in the country at the helm of a multi-million dollar practice.

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Disclaimer: The commentary and opinions are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact an attorney in your state to obtain legal advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.

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Рекомендации по теме

At this point in this "relationship" I see him as an annoying roommate. He has threatened to leave, I just say OK. I've been down a familiar road with my physically abusive first husband (almost 40 years ago). I show a "I don't care" attitude, because I don't care anymore. I know I sound like a bad person, but that's the way I feel.


I will no longer deal with my narcissist brother. It has taken me a long while to realize that going "COLD/NO CONTACT" is my only solution. There is no reasoning with a narcissist! No one has the right to ridicule a "disabled elderly woman." With God on my side, I am not alone!


"Don't take it personally" is a phrase I've seen while researching how to respond to the narc. It can be difficult not to when the attacks are so personal and with the intent of ruining you (smear campaign), but we can't think clearly when we have been provoked into an emotional state. Learning to be intellectual inside the event rather than instinctively reacting to the threat is a major asset for survivors like us.


OMG. I am an empath and I get triggered at any type of injustice. My emotions through the roof at accusations
.I'm so trying to dumb down. but it's hard


My wife has now had me arrested on false allegations twice now. Upon getting out of jail the second time, she hit me with a divorce…the timing was devastating and it’s wrecked me, because I had been the primary caregiver to our children and had taken time off from work to do that. Now I’m couch surfing and trying to learn how to be a criminal defense lawyer and a divorce lawyer, because our primary marital finances had always been in her name, since my work had fallen off.
This kind of situation is no joke. Get out while you can.


Narc brain:
they cannot imagine you doing any differently than they would, i.e. you’re an abuser because deep down they know that they are abusive.


My eyes have been open! Thank you for being a part of my awakening! Had to travel cross country to attend a work sales meeting in conjunction with a holiday party. This was the first time I was out of my husband’s insatiable control that has dominated our marriage of almost 18 years. I skipped phoning him after the holiday party, for no particular reason. He cracked! He put a next level eviction plan in play with in minutes! NO questions for clarification asked!? No leaning on the character that I’ve continuously demonstrated! I’ve always worked to meet the bar he’s consistently reset. NOW I SEE! It’s never been about me, us or our family! It’s always been about him and how I’ve kept him fueled With a steady narcissistic supply! He’s divorcing me and I’m now getting to walk down the road I should have walked the very 1st time he showed me who he was 20 years ago, when we started dating! Believe that people are who they show themselves to be! It’s not you, it’s them!


My in laws are the most toxic, manipulative people I’ve ever encountered. For a decade they have been running a smear campaign against me. Since my husband and I had kids, they have been demanding “alone time” with our children. Wtf do you want to do with my 3 month old daughter that I can’t be present for? It creeps me out.

My mil yelled at me for 30 minutes after giving me the silent treatment for a month (a blissful month) about me getting “expensive” sunglasses for Christmas last year and the “huge” engagement ring I got 7 years ago. I’m like wait, didn’t you call me because I asked you to stop talking about me behind my back and trying to recruit my husband to be your flying monkey? How’d we get here? Blame shifting, I guess I’m supposed to feel bad that my engagement ring and wedding band is more expensive than hers? Idk? Oh & the Tiffany sunglasses, those are way too good for me! Ridiculous.


The narcissist in my life absolutely destroyed so many relationships with her triangulation and lies.

People really do believe these people and their lies.

The target starts to be treated dismissively and with skepticism and has no idea what’s wrong.

They ask the people around them are you mad at me? I don’t understand what’s happening but they won’t say anything because the narcissist has already said, “don’t tell her I said anything I mean I don’t wanna start trouble. I’m just trying to do the right thing here by telling you what has been going on and how you’re being backstabbed.”

They put people between a rock and a hard place thinking there’s some kind of loyalty going on with the narcissist, when it’s nothing but divisiveness and a smear campaign to literally destroy not only all the relationships in the target’s life but literally their life.

I don’t know how as a lawyer, you’re not able to make this a criminal and prosecutorial type offense.

People commit suicide because of the ostracization that takes place.

These people should be charged and prosecuted and jailed.

A girl I grew up with committed suicide on Christmas Day because her family scapegoated her so badly and she was the most beautiful and the nicest of them all and they were jealous of her because she was kind and sweet and loving and she just couldn’t pull herself out of the dynamic because she probably didn’t even realize what was happening or what kind of vile people they were. It makes me so angry that our legal system just does not recognize this. The scapegoats in so many cities and environments are literally destroyed and their social circles and their chances for employment ruined and I wonder how many are in prison because of the reactive abuse that takes place because they don’t even understand what’s happening and the anger and rage they feel over being so utterly mistreated they just lose control and snap. This needs to be taught in all schools. The police need to be educated and the court systems need to be educated.


I had a situation with an Ex regarding a lease he had signed for an apartment we shared.He wanted to leave me for a woman he was cheating with. I didn't stop him. I just told him he needed to pay his part of the lease.
That was happening until the new lady broke it off with him. I would not take him back. His claws came out. He texted me repeatedly about how he was going to destroy me. Homophobic slurs and threats of violence poured from him.
I told him I would be showing my attorney what he said because I found it to be interesting. Guess he figured he had gone to far. An arrangement was made for him to pay the apartment complex and he never contacted me again.


I’m in the thick of it now. 6 or more times she falsely accused me in 3+ years. Each time lengthens the D process…it hurts.


I always think of that song "I am titanium" when dealing with narc sister's attacks.


This information needs to be mandatory classes in highschool just like drivers Ed and health class.


Because he was so emotionally detached from me, I did the same thing back at him. I really didn’t know what it was about until I watched a tv show about this woman who wrote a book about ‘gaslighting’. This was about 2019. There was an incident that those gaslighting I just learned clicked and I turned around and told him to stop gaslighting me. My knowledge about narcissism didn’t accelerate until about two years later. Well, about 3 months before our ten year anniversary, he moved out and eventually filed for divorce. It’s been 3 years and we’re still dealing with temporary spousal support and in arrears now for 10 months. Lots of delays, stays etc etc that set me back. As usual, he’s in control. He’s now in contempt, hearing in the new year. We shall see!!!!


Yes!!!! I could have used you during my divorce 15yr ago. Unfortunately I didn't have any of the skills at that time and pretty much lost my entire life. But I am now again faced in a relationship with vastly similar issues thank you for your suggestions


"False accusations" never were 2 words more perfectly well said/went together...


Thanks, Rebecca Zung, for all of your effort/s and insightfully helpful tutorials. Happy New Year and Cheers! 😊


Love "Hello, Slayers"! Cheers!


Thank you so, so much!!!! I'm experiencing a "narc" supervisor with passive-agressive behavior, always playing the victim & being overly nice...but her face never matches her statements! I feel empowered having watched this, I've learned a lot and took notes!! Thanks much!!


I've been using stonewalling to try to break the trauma bond cycle by denying them attention after they've accused and try to argue. They play victim after, I usually walk away before it gets to the victim stage. Lately they've been calling their friends after we argue to get the attention they want.
