Should You Clean Wounds with Hydrogen Peroxide? Rubbing Alcohol? A Doctor Explains

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Do you clean wounds with hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol? Well, I explain if this is the right thing to do or not! Take a peek!

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xo Dr. Jen

#hydrogenperoxide #wound #alcohol
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Interesting. When I had polinoidal cysts removed, the surgeon had my attendant pour hydrogen peroxide I. The open wound and pack it twice a day until the wound completely closed. It was a miserable process, but it worked.


I’m no doctor but I think you should use it as soon as the cut happens to quickly clean and apply pressure to the wound then bandage it up next time you switch the bandages or gauze use a anti bacterial cream and change out the bandages


Better than infection. I’m down with HP, not going to a doctor to tell me what to put in a minor cut..


Rubbing alcohol is very dangerous burning the skin but either is not good to use with big open wounds


So Doc, IF you were to use it topically, when, why and how? Side note... You seem like a great teacher.


Thank you for the explanation. Yes I would have used the peroxide your common sense explanation has changed my thinking. 😊


Ummm 🤔 Good To Know! Thanks 🙏🏼 for the Info ♥️ Dr 🧑‍⚕️…


So what do you recommend to clean a newly sutured wound?


What kind of soap do you recommend to use with the water? And do you put them together to rinse or water, soap, water? I’m currently building a first aid kit for Bushcraft and I bought a bunch of individual wrapped irrigation syringes that I was going to use for peroxide then alcohol to preciously wash and clean to wound. Now I’ve been taught to abandon that method which leads back to my question about the water and soap method.
You’re help will greatly be appreciated, Thank You


For years I have wondered what the real use of Hydrogen Peroxide. I use Rubbing Alcohol more so as a sanitizer 70% and 91% than an antiseptic due to the burning sensation to open cuts, scrapes and punctures.


What about iodine?
My aunt got a cat scratch and cleaned it THOROUGHLY with rubbing alcohol. On top of a nasty limb infection (that the docs said "ALMOST had to be amputated") she got a systemic infection. They had to give her wide-spectrum massive-dose IV antibiotics and she recovered.
The doctors said that the alcohol she used likely dred and "sealed in" bacteria at the wound site. They said she should've used soap and water.
This then led my family to use hydrogen peroxide w small wounds. Now there are reports coming out that say its minimally effective in disinfecting wounds. along w other issues as stated in video.

Again, soap and water OR (and I have yet to research this well:) Iodine


Thanks for the information doc
Which is better, a toilet soap or an antiseptic soap?


I had 2 shallow gashes about 4 inches long. They started turning purple and hurting more. Normally, i let my body take care of it on its own. Is it bad to use alcohol as a response to an infection starting? Or hydrogen peroxide? I dont normally treat my minor wounds unless they get infected. (Btw alcohol in an open wound hurts more than i remember. It was close to a kidneystone 😂.


For upset stomach, Can we drink hydrogen peroxide?


I did not know this I've been using Hydrogen Peroxide to clean my wounds, thanks for the info.


I get cut in my mma gym all the time, soap and water just isn’t enough of a disinfectant so what would u suggest


I don't use either, cover wound with clean plastic wrap asap


I just bought 3% hydrogen peroxide because i read on webMD that its helpful with teeth whitening. And according to your video i should be careful if and when a wound appears in my mouth. Ill keep a well lookout for any irritation and discomfort along my teeth whitening journey. i think it should be fine though knowing i have diluted the hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts water.This video was really informative, thank you.


@DrJenCaudle Perhaps you've forgotten that not only can hydroperoxide harm surrounding cells along with germs and bacteria, but prescribed antibiotics also kill many healthy body cells in addition to bacteria. So, if your logic holds, please consider ceasing the use or prescription of antibiotics. By the way, if you know of any antibiotic that only targets bacteria without harming other body cells, please share its name; it would be very helpful. Additionally, it's important to note that cleaning a wound with common soap and plain water, which might contain bacteria, can be dangerous. If you choose to use plain water, ensure it's boiled for at least 20 minutes (and cooled) before using it for wound cleaning, especially in cases of weak immunity. However, avoid using common soap. As an alternative, you can add some H2O2 to boiled (and cooled) water if you prefer not to use a 3% solution. Another alternative is to use hydrogen peroxide to thoroughly clean a fresh wound and eliminate germs before dressing it. However, avoid using hydrogen peroxide daily, as it may damage new young cells forming during the healing process. Only consider reusing hydrogen peroxide if there are signs of infection, as it can help clean and disinfect the area effectively.


HP is known as a wound debrider…if I need to, I’ll use HP.
