Calculate The Quarter of the year from Any Date - 5 Different Methods (Don't miss it)

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We have Formulas in Excel to extract The Year, Month or Day portion of a Date. However, we do not have a single function to extract the Quarter of a Year.
In this tutorial I Show you 5 methods to calculate the Quarter from a Date. I’ll be using a VLOOKUP function with a nice trick, Then I use a CHOOSE function, a ROUNDUP, a CEILING function and Finally a mind blowing technique with the MONTH function.

You can download the Start file and follow along by clicking on the link:

Let me know in a comment which of the 5 functions you prefer.
I also added a Bonus sheet with links to my popular Tutorials.
In a previous video I covered all the Date Functions in Details, and here is the link:

Finally, If you enjoy this training Video give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to this channel to be notified when new tutorials are released. The best is yet to come.
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Great Job!, thanks for your time doing these videos.


Awesome Nabil! ... Good examples, thanks for all these tips.


thank you, i would like to ask how you are bringing the colors with vlookup at cloumn B (like 2 yellow, 1 blue etc..)
