Unity Sunday in New York City w/Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad

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Muhammad Mosque(s) and Study Groups of New York, and the surrounding eastern region, were treated to a special weekend as the National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Minister Ishmael Muhammad visited believers and guests.

The visit began in Rochester, NY where Min. Ishmael visited the study group in that area and shared words of inspiration and guidance from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

The weekend capped-off with a 2-day visit to New York City, where Min. Ishmael hosted a special meeting with the believers of the eastern region on Saturday, and then finally, keynoted the Sunday address at the historic Muhammad Mosque No. 7 in Harlem, NY.
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I love hearing the speeches that they make from Nation of Islam to tell the truth


Brother Ishmael was on a different level 🎚️. Love it. Sounded like his teacher. Peace be unto you.


As-Salaam Alaikum what a blessing the Supreme Captain and the Nation Assistant. WOW!!!


After listening to brother Ishmael..The Nation Of Islam is safe...ASA❤


Woah !!! No one is gonna give a righteous shout out to the Supreme Captain who is in charge of all the men in North America parts of the Caribbean and parts of Europe.... Peace and blessings to our Supreme Captain and Minister Ismael Muhammad


APDTA, what a beautiful day, to see my brothers and sisters near and far. We all was feed the word.


All Praises Are Forever Due To Our Saviour Creator Allah, Master Wallace D Fard Muhammad Especially For Raising To Himself His Messenger Exalted Messiah, Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Never Forgetting His Workings Through Ansar El Muhammad The Select One Thee Holy Spirit Of Truth ~ Allah, Master J!!! I Thank Him For Restoring His National Representative And Divine Reminder, The Honorable Minister Farrakhan Muhammad ☀️⭐️🌙🌍 Sajadalahu And As Salaam Alaikum To The Divine Degree Of The Creators MasterPlan ~ Brother Minister Ishmael Muhammad


Beautiful lecture keep posting more I love it learning a lot from them 💯❤️❤️


I'm in a dark space right now with God as you teach


Had a hard time finding this. Thought it got scrubbed off. Ty for the post family ✊🏾


APDTA. A poem dedicated to the - THE NATION
The Nation Over 90 years of resurrecting the blind, deaf and dumb. Starting in the hood with the Blackman and woman, let it be understood…The Nation, teaching the deep science behind the law of cause and effect…The Nation, started handing out the X, you know the one, Muhammad Ali, " I am the greatest that shook up the world.” You can still hear the mighty Malcolm, yes the X-drug dealer, the X-abuser of women, the-X poison food eater, the X-believer in fairy tales, the X-slave.The Nation, Thank You Fard, Elijah and Farrakhan for being the masters of your post and teaching the knowledge of self and exposing Satan’s tricknology, you have saved a countless number of souls. The Nation, asking the question are we now 5/5th’s or can you see, we are still 3/5th’s?Have we not grown to learn the ultimate objective was not to sit down at the counter and eat that engineered food? The ultimate objective is to be made Whole…
Again… Forever....

form the book TRYIN TIMES from the Pyramids to the Projects.


ASA! Sorry I couldn’t make it. Not feeling well


You can know me as Farrakhan’s😊 secret spy lol. So I can’t really say too much because we all know this is monitored. What I want to say though is that if Kevin (Brother Hafiz) could be alive and see how beautiful the mosque looks inside now and the Brother ahead of it he would be proud. You know after the Minister’s son died recently I came to mosque number seven disguised as someone else. I wanted to see how they would treat a stranger. They treated me with so much love when I left I said to myself no matter what they say about the Nation of Islam I’m always going to be a member. That Sunday it was raining and when I got there hardly no one was there. So the student minister spoke about depression and the seasons and what not. All these brothers are new so none of them know me then I was in disguise on top of that, but a few of the ones who was there when Kevin was alive. So the Minister came in with his young brothers looking impeccable as they could look, I’m sitting there trying to hard not to smile and break character. I was thinking to myself especially when they was talking about the upcoming saviors day 2024 I was saying this enemy I don’t care how smart he is, how advanced his technology is, how many agents he has in the mosques disguised as members and followers, God is with the Minister Louis Farrakhan and all his helpers, and God is with this movement and from what I saw when I went there the nation isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Now I want to say something to you young brothers out there who may be lost, need direction, need a family to support you, join the Nation of Islam, because if it wasn’t for mosque number 7 and the late Kevin Muhammad and the life giving teachings of the most honorable Muhammad I wouldn’t have made it to
36. Peace be upon all of you. And may we keep the nation strong


If you live in the past, you have no future.
