Extraordinary Claims Require What Exactly?

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An account or description doesn't fade or fail simply because it is old.
An eye witness can give a statement, die, and the statement still be present in court in Virginia.


I found your videos, and have been watching the last week or two. I really like the length of videos, and format. Thanks for taking the time to make them.


Excellent response video!
Her points were well communicated and your were well communicated.
And both of you got straight to your points and avoided wasting our time.
Thank you for making such a quality video that boils away the fluff and makes every word count.


"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". That's a bold claim...extraordinary even. Any evidence for that?


I have a young friend who always argued with me about evolution vs design. He would argue that Evolution was the most proven scientific theory in the history of theories. But he could never provide much actual evidence of evolution occurring (the old "icons" of finch beaks and antibiotic resistance in bacteria stuff we already KNOW aren't evolution in action) while it was very easy to provide evidence of design. Yet I was always the one required to produce "extraordinary evidence" for my "extraordinary claims" while his impossible claim that organic matter - in complete defiance of know scientific laws, like the 2nd law of thermodynamics - could organize itself into the incredibly complex, chicken-and-egg web of DNA and proteins.


The implications of something happening aren't even relevant at all as a factor to determine IF it happened.


That last point was pretty darn good. The claim "There's no evidence." often made by atheists has often led other atheists to not at all examine the evidences offered by Christians. They end up mirroring the said slogan, dismissing whatever is offered because according to them, there is no evidence.

But since the stakes are indeed high, we should try to examine whatever we can examine in our pursuit for truth. Not dismiss, but examine.


“Extraordinary” claims first require evidence they are extraordinary.


This lady should watch the movie "The case For Christ". A true story of a man named Lee Stroble who had the same questions, and became a Christian.


I think Origin has one of the best arguments for the uniqueness of Jesus' story. In Against Celsus 1.29, he compares Jesus to a couple of famous figures in his day, talked about by Plato. One is a "Themistocles" and the other a "Seriphian". Origin argues how Jesus has had a much larger impact in the world than either of these men. Now, I have never heard of these men, but indeed Jesus has had the greatest impact in human history of any person to have ever lived. Jesus is undeniably the most significant person in all human history. Who? This random homeless jobless street preacher, born of out of wedlock of a poor peasant girl in a back-water town of a nothing significant nation? Yet much greater than all the kings, pharaohs, emperors, and presidents combined throughout human history?

And to think that this all started with a few men having a hallucination of their friend after his public execution, or else the most successful conspiracy theory in the history of mankind, carried out by a bunch of uneducated men, and fooling many of the greatest scholars over the next two thousand years.

Many atheist make it so simple as a couple of dudes hallucinating their deceased friend. But millions of people have hallucinated their deceased friend, and millions more devastated with the lost of beloved individuals. If the event that caused the spread of Christianity is so common (the hallucination of a deceased friend), and the Jews have had many acclaimed Messiahs who left their followers devastated after their death, why was this one, -the most pathetic of them all with the most uneducated followers, the one who convinced the world of his resurrection and Messiahship?

A casual hallucination doesn't do justice the weight of this moment in history. Extraordinary events require extraordinary causes. Nothing is more extraordinary than a man walking out of a grave.


Subscribed after referred from David Woods interview with Dr. Jonathan McLatchie


I need to learn to do editing and shorter length videos like this. As well as to stop being intimidated by the amount of time I take to make videos so I can start doing more content to share and defend Christ.


A book I have found helpful. Person Of Interest by J. Warner Wallace 🙂🙏✝️


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence is what I say about macro-evolution. Without any definitive cross-species example, it's not good enough to believe lol


Great video man!
I think the parts were you speak should be a bit louder, to match the clip you comment on.
Keep Up the great work!! ✝️


Take this, lady- all of Jesus' disciples scattered, went back to their lives after his death. Then, all of a sudden they start to claim that Jesus had risen from the dead. They claimed to meet, see and touch the risen Jesus. Those same disciples who felt defeated, later go out and spread the message of His resurrection throughout the world, it couldn't be stopped. Those disciples, with the exception of John, all died horrific deaths for not denying Jesus.
People die for a faith all of the time.
These men died for what they saw with their own eyes and felt with their own hands.
The explosion of the church throughout the world is your extraordinary evidence.


If extraordinarity is just a euphemism for "I don't like it", then isn't the entire claim about subjectivity?


There is more to the evidence than just merely being written down in an ancient text. Furthermore, I wouldn't believe in George Washington merely because it is written down. There are other factors to consider and weigh for any historical claim.


Ms. Critical thinker really doesn't want to believe. She probably started with her presuppositions and read what supported those beliefs like Hume, Ehrman, etc


Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary evidence, There being no God is an Extraordinary claim, there is no Extraordinary evidence of their being no God, therefore we should never be atheist but instead agnostic. (Carl Sagans real argument) "I see no compeling evidence against the existence of God"
