Physics directly contradicts common sense | Physicist Bernard Carr

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Lisa seems unmoved. Or maybe she is in another dimension 🤷‍♂️


Common sense and science parted ways a long time ago. Now it's, where do I get my next grant money?


I am not surprised with any of this. Humans have little range with our biological sensory equipment and we have struggled to build many instruments to bring naturally occurring data within the range of our sensory equipment. This does not mean that what our instruments tell is comprehensible. We have great deal of thinking to do before we will nave picture of reality that will not confuse us.


It seems that Kant was right in his conception of space and time being a priori perceptions of the human mind...


Poor Lisa . . . trying to work out something that even if it Did exist; could never b proven or even observed . . . & is also an unpalatable topic for most people to consider, think, or talk about 😋


Close but no cigar yet. How about this, THERE'S UNLIMITED DIMENSIONS. ❤


we can stop going on about how counter-intuitive physics is because it's no longer counter-intuitive and is now common sense. we all have a solid grip on relativity, stop telling us we don't.


a few hundred years ago if you said - there are tiny 'bacteria' which you can't see but can kill you - you'd be laffed at


We have what I like to call _pointilistic perception;_ our limited senses give us a sparse array of dots that are fairly accurate in some ways, and we 'fill in the gaps' with our imagination, forming a continuum that's adequate for living, but of course physical reality runs much, much deeper.


Point being the same thing you started out with


"Context" is key! If you're talking to the plumber or your wife, its a solid surface.


"The reality you've got ... it's really a mental model". But, at the danger of pointing out the bleeding obvious, *everything* is a mental model. Models which are agreed upon by *consensus* based on experimental observation are accepted. And, by the way, the modern theories are completely (mostly) completely compatible with common sense. One very obvious case where common sense deviates from say, relativity, is that time seems to "flow" from past to future. No one has really solved that conundrum properly. That's probably the greatest issue in my humble opinion.


Its impossible to form an opinion when we don't actually fully understand the universe.


I am talking about OBJECTIVE reality, of course! Now, if we deny the existênce of objective reality, Physics will become an enterprise doomed to failure!!!


Physicist Bernard Carr has made 2 Significant statements here which seems like directly quoted from the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta from over 7000 years ago :-
1. “Our common sense reality has been demolished” . This means what we call as reality is not Real, it is an error basically. This statement might be endorsed by both the Advaita Vedanta and Shoonyavada Buddhism.
2. “But it doesn’t mean there isn’t any Reality”. Reality is there, but it is different from what you think it is. This is the assertion of Advaita. And this could be where Advaitins and Buddhists would part ways. Shoonyavada Buddhists might say that there isn’t any reality as such.



Gravity is simple Galilean relative motion. The earth’s surface is literally physically the floor of Einstein’s cabin. Too simple- common sense- for the modern brain. “The Final Theo: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy “, Mark McCutcheon for proper physics including the CAUSE of gravity, electricity, magnetism, light and everything. So, no.


Common sense is a crude approximation of actual reality which we don't fully yet know. When we have all the information, reality will still fit into our logic because it's cause and effect. You just have to be open minded about it and not have preconceptions of how reality should be.


What everyone seems to miss is that all that's happened is that you've now got a more complete picture of what's going on. You have more information. With more information you can make better decisions. Would you rather live in a bubble., where you're willfully ignorant of how the world works, and where people with more information can take advantage of you, or would you rather face reality and have the opportunity to defend yourself and make better decisions based on complete information?


Not exactly clear on what he means by “common sense”. Sure, we can be wrong about how specific things work on some level, but to suggest that a common sensual experience is simply a mental model, if that’s what he means, is to deny the possibility of an actual relationship with the world. Essentially, he sounds like Descartes 2.0.


In fact we live our entire lives in the Classical world not the Quantum world. Our reality may be illusory but it works pretty damn well.
