Front Door Mistakes Affecting Your Family’s Luck

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Find out about the common front door Feng Shui mistakes that could be affecting your family's luck and learn how to fix them easily!


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0:00 Why is the Front Door Important in Feng Shui?
1:50 Feature 1
3:30 Feature 2
4:37 Feature 3
5:44 Feature 4
8:05 Feature 5
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✅ Improve Your Home’s Energy for better Wealth💸and Harmony 👩‍❤‍👨for the Family with Feng Shui – Fast⏩⏩⏩!


This style of setting up the home has become more popular in California outside of the Chinese community. I’m first generation Mexican American and my parents adopted feng shui from our neighbors when they first arrived from Mexico (happily married 41 yrs). It’s influenced my home decor since then and will be putting my talismans up for the coming year of the wood snake!
Thank you for making this video easy to understand. 🙏🏽 恭喜发财!! 🧧


It's bad luck when you open your door and see your gossiper neighbour 😂


Your way of presenting is so easy to understand. Thank you so much. I just moved into a new apartment and didn't know where to put the mirror since I have started watching videos about feng shui. But now I know.


I have a mirror at the end of my hallway and I have scared myself a few times 😅


Thank you for posting videos and ideas. Don’t let the occasional person who doesn’t agree with feng shui philosophy get you down, people like that are everywhere. I did notice your channel introduction page doesn’t explain what school of feng shui you practice. That might be helpful for those who follow a specific school in the way they try to set up their homes or who follow you so they don’t get confused. Have a great day. I appreciate your hard work - video editing is not easy!


Great info, thank you very much.
Like the video, because there is not a lengthy
repeatedly words rambling on.
This is direct and clear.
So refreshing.


When I come home, the first thing I meet on my right is my kitchen... which is only bad if I don't see any food, then I get sad😅


Absolutely loved this video. ❤ My front door opens to the view straight ahead of sliding glass doors to the backyard so you can guess the rest. Must block the Qi from passing through. Thank you so much! 😊


Thank you so much for this video! My house has that piercing heart negative formation. 😭 Our finances sounds like your friend’s although our expenses are due to our extended families depending on us and many friends and neighbours asking for help (we might be too generous too).

I have curtains on the sliding glass doors though and I usually close the sheer curtain on the part that’s directly in front of the main door during the day (like in your photo) so the chi doesn’t go straight out, and close the opaque curtains fully at night.

I also moved our dining table in front of the glass doors to block a bit of chi, but the table and chairs are only blocking a very small part of the glass doors.

I’m unable to put a furniture in front of the front door as it’s a really small hallway with bar chairs on the right and a bedroom door to the left.

If I keep my curtains closed throughout the day except for the times when we need to exit out to the backyard, though the glass sliding doors, would this help? Although doing that would make our house so hot and stuffy. 🤢


Your channel is growing - good for you!


this confirms alot of personal feelings i have had about such places. thank you for the tips


My dog greets me every time I enter my front door. He brings me great joy every time! Does that count? Or does the happy item need to be an object like a photo or artwork?


Thank you for explaining the Feng Shui with video. I think I finally understand it.


I recently had an architect design my porch and cloak/storage room to the right, however his design had coats visible in an open design when you enter the home. I informed him that when you enter your home from a busy day combined with nearby noisy traffic nearby, you should be able to shut these off up on entering your domain and instead be greeted with tranquility without noise or the colourful clutter of garments which add Chaos to the space. Now when you enter, everything is spacious, filled with light and a sense of calm. The house also feels more luxurious.


Wow, great video! Really! And you come off as very likable. Glad you popped up. #Subscribed!


Very excellent presentation, Thank you !


Oh my the last feature is exactly what’s happening to us!!😢
Can I instead make sure the balcony is always with closed curtains to mitigate the problem with the balcony vs front door?


Omgee this is true!!! I have a huge mirror when entering front door and I have been mentally drain and on edge constantly overthinking effin’ A


Best feng shui video, easy to get the big picture!
