7 BRILLIANT IDEAS! Arrange Your Home This Way For Wealth, Health & Positivity | House | Sadhguru

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sadhguru gives some brilliant ideas how to organize your home for positive energy, wealth, health and wellbeing, arrange your home this way. 7 ultimate ideas to organize your home from sadhguru for various type of benefits.
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there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal


1. Salt and tamarind to be kept together
2. Store water overnight and drink the next day, not immediately from tap
3. arranging clothes, folded and tidy
4. Arrange plant life in the house
5. When sleeping head not to point to north
6. turn home into consecrated space with Bhairavi yantra
7. Keep an oil lamp burning in your home


Very important for men to do all housework too . All sorrows of Indian families will automatically go away. Very important for health and happiness of whole family.


I got a copper vessel and I’m storing water overnight. I feel great! I’ve lived in my apartment about 5 years, my head was pointing absolute North while I slept. In desperation, I tried Sadhguru’s advice. I ripped up my bed and made the feet where my head goes and my head were my feet went. My pillow kept falling, so I put a chair there. I sleep better since I changed directions. I mean like 90% better. I’m getting plants for my bedroom. I don’t use tamarind, so I don’t have to change where my salt goes.
I decided to follow his advice and work on myself rather than finding some guy to change. Tonight, while I was walking, doing my daily exercise he suggests, I met a guy! I’m not saying it’s gonna go anywhere, but within 72 hours I met a guy doing what I do. It’s almost magical. And absolutely mystical.


I am not an Indian but when I was a child my parents always store water overnight so we can drink it as we awake our clothes had to be folded and there were a lamp in a corner of the room always burning
I now understand the meaning of that so I am now in my sixties and I will start to do it never too late to do it .


When a child, I felt this memory in water and all other objects. I connected to everything. But I was called too sensitive and i was shamed away from it. Finding this man's videos is reminding me of who I really am and starting to connect me back to this world. Most of the things he mentions I already do naturally - particularly the water and plants. Many blessings to all and much gratitude for posting all of this helpful information.


Sadhguru, in my lifetime I just wish to see u at least once directly and touch ur feet and want to have blessings with ur hands on my head.. Wow.. I really feel that moment God directly touched and blessed me.. What a great human being u r.. We r blessed to listen and see u in our era... Thanks to universe and thanks to God..


Keeping salt and tamarind lots of positive in our lives. It's happened in my life.


My grandfather grew up in China prior to the cultural revolution the Southeastern part of China and a lot of these things that you say he applied as well. Especially the sleeping East West light and plants. He was very stoic but I believe he was a very happy person Thank you


I love his teaching
Beautiful words and
Tone of voice it so relaxing I’m learning
From him a lot it amazing words ,
I alway clear my blankets in the morning and air out the bed I spray with some freshener and put the pillows to sun light, later I made the bed and
Won’t lay in it or used during the day I put pillows to make
Beautiful . My mother told me that when you n me ale bed I the morning
Don’t use it during the day because it
Distract you destiny
And will stop you routine of the new day,
Also leaving you night clothes on the bed is not proper it shoul be put away in the hanger not in the drower because the night clothes collected the bad energy from your sleeping the night before,
Also we were not allowed to sleep with the day clothes
We always had clean pijamas .
Thanks for teaching..



Yes you must have order. Everything is energy. Thank you for this clarification


2023 is a year now but I still follow of may grandmother ..she teach me a lot of things . I really miss may grandmother😢


कुछ बंधन इतने पुराने और मजबूत हो गए हैं कि उनके छूट जाने या ढीले पङ जाने का डर लोगों को रहता है ।
हम सनातन होने के कारण परिवर्तन के लिए सदैव तत्पर रहते हैं ।पुराने विचारों को नयी परिभाषा देने के लिए धन्यवाद ।🙏🙏🙏


Look, I am the most cynical person when it comes to spiritual advice, but there is something compelling about this man. I’m going to try these tips— thank you!


Thank you, Guruji. I wish for a Guru's guidance like this every day.


Sadhguru, we’re not sensitive enough to know where should we keep what in our home. So please, we’re in need of guidance from Guru’s like you Sadhguru.


I used to feel I’m not totally normal. I love to keep things neat, aesthetic in a simple way, have plants around me.Follow simple rules, a simple lifestyle. A lot of these ways were picked up from my maternal grandmother. Many of of friends have noticed a certain energy. Bhairavi Devi Gudi has added so much to our home. A feeling of security. Warmth. 🙏🏻


I bow down to You a million times Sadhguru 🙏🙏🙏


My mum never lay on bed, or spread bedsheets during day times or use pillows day times. Morning we have to fold our bedsheets otherwise Ghost will be lying on our bedsheets. That's her saying


Really true Guru Ji. We are losing. Thanks for remembering and sharing Guru Ji. Please pray and bless us 🙏🙏🙏
