Breeding of varroa-resistant bees - dr hab. Małgorzata Bieńkowska - BEECOME 2021

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Lecture topic:
Is it possible to breed bees with varroa resistance traits?
dr hab. Małgorzata Bieńkowska, prof. IO
Head of the Beekeeping Department in Puławy at the State Horticulture Institute - Research Institute. Poland
Professionally and privately, she is associated with bees, popularising the latest basic and practical knowledge on issues related to beekeeping.

Since 1986 she has worked at the Institute of Horticulture (formerly the Institute of Pomology and Floriculture).

She is involved in a wide range of scientific and popularization activities. She is the author of 57 original scientific publications, 95 reports at national and 118 international conferences.

Among her interests in the field of beekeeping, Professor Bieńkowska mainly focuses on improving methods of selection, choosing drones and bee queens for breeding and improving methods of artificial insemination.

As a research worker, she pays special attention to breeding bees showing resistance to the Varroa Destructor parasite - the main problem of the world apiary economy.

She is a founder and member of the international cooperative Research Network of Sustainable Bee Breading, as well as a member of the International COLOSS project - honey bee research association.

Together with her team and a group of committed Polish beekeepers, Professor Bieńkowska conducts research as part of the EurBeST pilot program, aimed at promoting and implementing varroa resistant bees among the beekeeping community. Thanks to her cooperation with the best scientists in the field of world apiary management, Professor Bieńkowska actively participates in the development of Polish beekeeping as well as in building the awareness of responsible beekeeping in our society.

As the leader of the scientific team, Professor Bieńkowska also conducts research that contributes to the continuation of the conservation of the local Central European bee and emphasizes the importance for the environment in its natural habitat. Being an authority among the scientists of the Polish beekeeping industry, she not only organises but also conducts numerous seminars, conferences, workshops, courses and trainings aimed at promoting environmental protection and ecological attitudes.

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Lecture delivered at the 8th European Beekeeping Conference BEECOME 2021 ONLINE.
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