HONEY BEE Apis cerana terrorizes VARROA MITE

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In our search for the perfect honey bee, I am covering the main scientific discoveries about genetic traits already found related to varroa mite-resistant honey bees. In this video, video 03 of the video series, I talk about interesting discoveries in Apis cerana, the Asian honey bee, showing how they handle Varroa mites without human intervention.
Can beekeepers and researchers use this interesting information from Asian honey bees to help the European honey bees?
Is this the oldest way to help honey bees to fight Varroa mites?
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#beekeeping #honeybee #varroa
In our search for the perfect honey bee, I am covering the main scientific discoveries about genetic traits already found related to varroa mite-resistant honey bees. In this video, video 03 of the video series, I talk about interesting discoveries in Apis cerana, the Asian honey bee, showing how they handle Varroa mites without human intervention.
Can beekeepers and researchers use this interesting information from Asian honey bees to help the European honey bees?
Is this the oldest way to help honey bees to fight Varroa mites?
The article cited here:
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InsideTheHive.TV "The Show About Bees"
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#beekeeping #honeybee #varroa