Reel vs rotary mowers😊😍😘😝
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We field questions all over the board about helping to beautify your lawn. One of the most common is should I start to reel mow my lawn? Or what are the differences between reel vs rotary mowers? It’s an important question because of the look, process, and extra work needed for reel mowing.
Rotary mowers are what most of us use on most of our lawns. The blade cuts a horizontal fan path as you walk across the lawn. It’s the preferred method of most people. They can cut higher chunks of grass giving the convenience of a once a week or more mowing. The capabilities for bagging are great helping with the ease of removing debris from the yard. They also aren’t quite as sensitive to imperfections in the yard reducing scalping and damage to the blades.
Rotary mowers have forward motion almost scissoring action. The result is the ability to cut very close to the ground giving you an almost perfect golf course look. The close, frequent cutting of the lawn promotes a thick greener look throughout the grass. It trains the grass to grow out rather than upwards.
Reel vs Rotary Mowers that’s the difference. What look do you want for your lawn?
Some economics and mechanics about aeration, reel mowing and top dressing your lawn.
Your lawn is one of the chief values of your property. How do you want to invest in it?
Service or DIY? A mix? Still on the fence about it? Give us a holler.
No matter the size, you're lawn improvement always has room to grow. We can help!
ALF is a customer service company that offers full commercial and residential landscape management services. Those services include weed control and fertilization, disease control, core aeration, shrub care, over seeding, mosquito control, ant control, mowing, pruning, planting, design, installation, and much more.
If you're looking for the best lawn care in North Georgia
Call A-L-F. We offer the finest in lawn care and pest control.
Click Here to Subscribe! 🤘☝️🤌👉/ @alflawnpest
ALF Lawn and Pest Solutions
(844) 369-TURF
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Rotary mowers are what most of us use on most of our lawns. The blade cuts a horizontal fan path as you walk across the lawn. It’s the preferred method of most people. They can cut higher chunks of grass giving the convenience of a once a week or more mowing. The capabilities for bagging are great helping with the ease of removing debris from the yard. They also aren’t quite as sensitive to imperfections in the yard reducing scalping and damage to the blades.
Rotary mowers have forward motion almost scissoring action. The result is the ability to cut very close to the ground giving you an almost perfect golf course look. The close, frequent cutting of the lawn promotes a thick greener look throughout the grass. It trains the grass to grow out rather than upwards.
Reel vs Rotary Mowers that’s the difference. What look do you want for your lawn?
Some economics and mechanics about aeration, reel mowing and top dressing your lawn.
Your lawn is one of the chief values of your property. How do you want to invest in it?
Service or DIY? A mix? Still on the fence about it? Give us a holler.
No matter the size, you're lawn improvement always has room to grow. We can help!
ALF is a customer service company that offers full commercial and residential landscape management services. Those services include weed control and fertilization, disease control, core aeration, shrub care, over seeding, mosquito control, ant control, mowing, pruning, planting, design, installation, and much more.
If you're looking for the best lawn care in North Georgia
Call A-L-F. We offer the finest in lawn care and pest control.
Click Here to Subscribe! 🤘☝️🤌👉/ @alflawnpest
ALF Lawn and Pest Solutions
(844) 369-TURF
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