What is polio? | Infectious diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

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My maternal grandfather had polio as a child and he’s still kicking it, besides being in a wheelchair most his life, he’s had very good luck with his health. I’m so thankful for this video because I love learning more about this disease.


I had Guillain-Barre syndrome. It was scary. I knew what it felt like to be paralyzed for a short period. I was lucky to make a full recovery.


Several of my childhood friends were afflicted with polio. We all lived along this one open drainage ditch. I have often wondered how this occurred, 60 years ago. (All of those friends went on to excel at various careers and have lead productive lives, thankfully.)


KhanAcademy is absolutely foolproof. I am happy that i've found this for my nclex study. easy to understand, unbelievably helpful!!


This was an "Oliver Sachs Level" of a very, very gifted and knowledgeable person's awareness of peoples' general intelligence, combined with their penchant for "emotional aspects" being entertaining. This hit all the notes. I wanted to understand the scientific/medical aspects of this disease, but I wanted it to be explained in an way.

This was perfect.


thank you for laying out all this information. I was always curious about polio.


Am I the only one here that doesn't have any hw or tests to learn about this.... I saw this in mAh recommendation..


This is the best teaching of polio So easily explained! Thank you!


My dad had polio disease and from the story I heard from him it all started when he was 4 and because he lived in a small village in Hakkari (a small city that no one lived on that time and no one still lives there) it was hard to find a doctor and everyone immediately thought he was going to die but he didn’t and they found doctors that can help him and when they got the medicine that he needs... the nurse was giving him the medicine and without realizing the medicine touched his bone so one his leg stopped growing and that’s the time where they literally thought he was going to die everyone was sad because even if the medicine worked for some reason everyone thought he was about to die 1 but of course he didn’t die (I’m not sure if this is what exactly happened because these stuff happened a long time ago like 40-45 years ago he is 50-51 now) he is still alive and happy he has a happy family with 4 kids and the last one is me Eda just a normal 12 year old kid^-^


I have built multiple wheelchairs for patients with Post-Polio syndrome. And what I have noticed is most patients have paralysis in their lower extremities.


13 Things You Didn't Know About Polio

1. In the 1800's a popular wallpaper called Paris Green was infused with a potent pesticide. Some of the most toxic substances known to man: copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic.

2. This pesticide worked by causing neurological damage in the bugs, causing organ failure.

3. Polio consists of symptoms synonymous with neurological damage, causing organ failure.

4. Heavy metal poisoning from lead, mercury and other similar heavy metals manifest lesions on neurological tissues, meaning the toxin destroys the nerve/communication pathways connecting the brain to the organs in the body.

5. Polio victims present lesions on neurological tissue, that cause the organs to malfunction all around the body. (lungs, heart, nerves that control walking etc)

6. Polio outbreaks hit throughout the summer, only during pesticide spraying times. (not the sunless and damp winter/spring seasons like other disease outbreaks)

7. Polio had NO ability to spread from infected victims to the uninfected. Polio infected clusters of people in the exact same areas, suddenly and swiftly.

8. Parents report finding their children paralyzed in and around apple orchards. One of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops of the time (with lead arsenate or copper arsenate) were apple orchards.

9. President Roosevelt became paralyzed over night while on his farm in the summer, which contained many crops, including apple orchards. He also swam the day prior in a bay that was heavily polluted by industrial agricultural run off.

10. Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortind Biskind testified in front of the U.S Congress in 1951 that the paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties.

11. In 1956 the AMA (The American Medical Association) instructed each licensed medical doctor that they could no longer classify polio as polio, or their license to practice would be terminated. Any paralysis was now to be diagnosed as AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre etc etc. This was orchestrated purposely to make the public believe polio was eradicated by the polio vaccine campaign, but because the polio vaccine contained toxic ingredients directly linked to paralysis, polio cases (not identified as polio) were skyrocketing...but only in vaccinated areas.

12. The first polio vaccine was worked on by Dr. Jonas Salk and human experiments using this vaccine were conducted purposely on orphans in government/church run institutions because they were vulnerable and didn't require any parental consent signatures, as they had no parents. The vaccine was "declared safe" by "medicine" (as they always are) and that vaccine gave 40, 000 orphans polio, permanently paralyzed hundreds and killed at least 10 children. All injuries and deaths under-reported of course by the same authorities who orchestrated the atrocity. This was called The Cutter Incident.

13. The next "improved" polio vaccine, given to hundreds of millions, carried both the SV 40 cancer virus as well as the AIDS virus. Every step of the way, medicine declaring they know for sure, that this time, they have everything straightened out. Same story then, same story now.


Such a chilling prospect that viruses can do such horrific things


Hi I had polio when I was 4 months and I am 67 now living in San Francisco, CA. The one that I didn't understand, why in 1955, I was contracted, and I am the youngest of 3 siblings, and they are fine. Also we lived in an island in the Philippines, that my family never go to the big island. There were only 3 cases I know in the island, and each one of us are far from each other.


there are a lot of people in this country who need to watch this.


As I watch this video, I'm also watching a documentary about the Roosevelts. I thought it was strange that this grown man FDR would suddenly be struck with polio at 39. Guillian Barre Syndrome -- a disease that I understand affects the myelin sheaths of your nerves --does seem like a likely candidate to have struck FDR.


I can read your teorrist activity thoughts threw the walls


Polio still exists believe it or not. As of 2020 there was 959 cases, mostly in Africa and places like Pakistan. Polio is transferred orally. And in those countries the water there is very bad. It's one of the diseases that scares me because most people would be left having mild to disabling paralysis.


Similar to covid-19, affecting organs instead of nerves.


my gandpa got polio in 1941 or 42 when he was 15 or 16 and he died some were from 2009 to 2013 and he live var far from me and i was born in 2000 so i realy did not get to see him mush he start a dehidraing shop and Machining shop


Who’s here for viruses 🦠 like the Coronavirus
