The Four Horsemen in Revelation | Mark Finley

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In this video we will learn the answers on the questions:
1. what are the four horsemen in revelation?
2. why there so many denominations?

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There in His open hand lay the book, the roll of the history of God’s providences, the prophetic history of nations and the church. Herein was contained the divine utterances, His authority, His commandments, His laws, the whole symbolic counsel of the Eternal, and the history of all ruling powers in the nations. In symbolic language was contained in that roll the influence of every nation, tongue, and people from the beginning of earth’s history to its close. 9MR 7.2
What is your comment on the above quotation?


In the study you presented you said the the seven seals begin with old testament church and inspiration says from the beginning of the Earth's history to the close. How do you reconcile the two.


The rider on the white horse is Adam when the earth was in it's pure state.


White horse
Powerful, pure faith. A victory as how Romans always did. AD 31-AD100

Red horse
A blood -stained faith, as many christian's faithful people killed that time. AD100-AD313

Black horse
A compromised Faith. Satan's strategy to compromise/adopt pagan practices. As many church lost because of compromising. AD 313-AD 538

Pale horse
A dead faith. AD 538-AD1798


The first rider of the four horsemen, on the white horse, is not Christ.
It is the Antichrist. He has a bow, with no mention of arrows.
He wears a crown to appear Christ-like, he is not. When Christ comes back.

Comes back with blazing eyes of fire
Many crowns
A sharp sword coming out of His mouth
Called Faithful and True
Christ's robe is dipped in blood
Comes back with heavenly armies

He will come to begin confusion, division, war, etc
Facades to be Christ (many will believe and worship him)

are only two comings of Christ...One was the Cross and the Second will be after the Antichrist's reign has occurred.

Please learn to interpret scripture and stop misleading people. What you are stating will cause people to believe it is Christ and take the mark.

If you are mistaken on this, how much are you wrong on and causing people to believe the incorrect meanings that you teach.
