Are You a Human Being or a Human DOING?

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Hi, this is Kelly Hine.

Most of us rush around more like human doings than human BEINGS!

You have a mind and a body but people don’t tend to think past that – they feel like they ARE the mind and the body.

But you’re so much more than that. You have a consciousness that sits silently beyond the mind and the body. The fact that you are able to notice your thoughts from an outside perspective (like an observer of your thoughts) gives you an indication of this fact, that you have thoughts but you are not your thoughts.

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00:00 You are not your thoughts
00:38 What stops us?
01:34 Be in the moment
02:08 Conscious awareness
02:31 Challenge
3:03 Soul Space
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1:15 Productivity is about justifying one's own existence
