Pitch Me Up! Session #2

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Angelo Paci (Gustave Roussy, France), “New oxazaphosphorines prodrugs for drug delivery optimization and combination with immune checkpoint blockers: dose-dependent tuning between immune and cytotoxic effects.”
Rosario Sanchez-Martin (GENYO, Spain), “Nanobarcoding reagents for tracking by mass cytometry” & “Active targeting polymeric nanoparticles as diagnostic nanotools”
Jeanne Deleforterie (CYBERNano, France) “A Dendrogram Clustering of Lipid Nanoparticles”
Ion Olaetxea (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain) “Photonic monitoring of perinatal asphyxia”
Jason Thomas Duskey (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia/ Umberto Veronesi Foundation, Italy) “Completing Targeted Nanomedicine Systems For Improved GBM Treatment Options”
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