Why Is There So Much Suffering in The World? | Why Me? EP. 23 | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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A Ramadan Series on Qadar

Why do innocent people suffer? Why is there so much tragedy happening around the world?

When these questions fill your mind, be grateful. It means that you have a heart that is not numb to the struggles of your fellow humans.
There are many answers to these questions from an Islamic perspective, and each takes time to explore. But as an individual, the most important thing you can do is ask yourself the corresponding questions: When innocent people suffer, what can you do? What is your role? How can the suffering of others snap you out of complacency and into action to alleviate the pain of your brothers and sisters in humanity?

Captioning provided by Muhsen.


Sahih Muslim 771a
Musnad Ahmad 22717
Qur’an, 30:41
Qur’an, 2:30
Qur’an, 2:30
Qur’an, 90:4
Sahih al-Bukhari 5641,5642
Sunan Abi Dawud 4278

Al-Hikam al-Ataa’iyyah 149:

إِذَا أَرَدْتَ أَنْ يَفْتَحَ لَكَ بَابَ الرَّجَاءِ فَاشْهَدْ مَا مِنْهُ إِلَيْكَ ، وَإِذَا أَرَدْتَ أَنْ يَفْتَحَ لَكَ بَابَ الْخَوْفِ فَاشْهَدْ مَا مِنْكَ إِلَيْهِ

If you want the door of hope opened for you, then consider what comes to you from Him. But if you want the door of fear opened for you, then consider what goes to Him from you.

Narrator Dr. Omar Suleiman
Hassan Noaman Farooq
Hassan's Mother Safiyyah Saarah Khan
Hassan's Wife Dua Amnah Sultan
Woman watching news on cellphone Moniba Ijazi
Woman watching news on IPAD Aisha Ahmed
Homeless Man Shaheer Naqvi
Umar Issa Ghaleb
Boy Muhsen Volunteer Yusuf Ansari
Muhsen dad Fawad Ansari
Muhsen volunteer Fawzi Yahya
Muhsen volunteer Shaheer Naqvi
Quran School Girl 1 Hana Kehar
Quran School Girl 2 Sarah Ahmed
Quran School Girl 3 Sania Ahmed
Quran School Boy 1 Baraa Chabab
Quran School Boy 2 Ibraheem Zeeshan

Note: Only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

As we venture into the space of producing higher quality media, we’ve worked hard to make sure that our compliance with our religious ethics is not sacrificed. While Yaqeen has always produced vocals for our Ramadan series, this series was unique in that it also included the story of a family in the background. Our talented production team worked with our scholars to ensure that all actors were in proper hijab, and that all gender interactions were only by Mahrams in real life. We’re grateful to the team for its wonderful effort, and grateful to the families that agreed to participate.

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I would like to thank everyone who is associated with making this series. May Allah SWT bless you with goodness ameen. May We all catch laylatul qadr allahumma Ameen 🤍


I really needed this episode today! My heart was burning with pain and anger seeing the pictures of Al Shifa hospital. Alhamdulilah this has calmed me down and I am now back to focusing again.


Just it's title is so inspiring. Alhamdullah am a Muslim and may Allah guide those out of Islam to this beautiful religion.


Reason for so much suffering in the world? Because Allah wants to us to return to Him in gratitude, get better relationship with Him, appreciate the blessings we have been taking for granted and in Sha Allah be saved from hell fire and get admitted to Jannatul firdaus. Ya Allah count us among those you saved from the torment of the grave and hell fire and admit us to Jannatul firdaus


My husband and i struggled with infertility for 3 yrs now and i was told its impossible for me to get pregnant with my age (37) and my condition (endometriosis). We decided to pass on IVF (in vitro fertilization) and do tawwakul instead. May Allah grant us HIS divine mercy..


Of all the series I have listened to, the Qadr series has been so inspiring and uplifting, especially with everything going on in Falasteen, Sudan and elsewhere in the world. On a more personal level its forced me to reflect on what my purpose in this temporary life is, and that I am a steward of Islam and to do what I can, and say alhumdulillah for everything. Thank you to every single person at Yaqeen. I pray I get to continue to contribute and donate to such an important cause in our day and age...
We need a Yaqeen sibling in England please! I pray you guys will be able to do it in the near future if able to. Salaam


O Allah we are very week as Ummat please help us to help our Muslims brothers and sisters in Gaza


Salaam everyone. If you have been touched by this series, don't forget to donate so they can continue to make inspiring series for us.


Ya Allah Help and Protect the People of Palestine 🇵🇸
Ya Allah, Ease their Pain and Suffering, Ya Allah Bestower of Mercy, Bestow Your Mercy on Them, Ya Allah Open People's Hearts to Give in This Time of Crisis, Ya Allah Help Those Who are in Need Wherever they May be.
A'ameen Ya Rabbil A'alameen 🤲


Please say 100 times:

Allahu Akbar
Subhan Allah
La ilaha illa Allah

May we all catch laylatul qadr in shaa Allah ameen


Shokran, Imam Suleiman. I wept when you spoke to the frustration of feeling helpless. As a 20+ year activist for Palestine, especially Gaza, I've felt like a failure, that it's gotten past us and to this point...genocide.
Your words were a salve to my heart, and reminds me again and again why doing this work is the most rewarding: Gazans teach life.
So again, thank you for the much needed words. May you be blessed this Laylatul Qadr.


Dear Imam and Yaqeen institute, you cannot imagine how beneficial it would be for the Umma to have your dars translated into French. May Allah reward you immensely. I would offer my time to translate some of it and I am sure that over French-native speakers would do. We are lacking or do not find easily powerful dars which can elevate us spiritually in the francophone era. May Allah bless you.


“If you want the door of hope open for you, then consider what comes to you from Him. But if you want the door of fear open for you, then consider what goes to Him from you. “ such beautiful words of wisdom!


When I was a teen I thought someone will definitely break my heart but I didn't knew it would be Palestine. May Almighty Alone rise you in this world n hereafter. Amin


Hello, I feel empowered by your amazing videos about spirituality, I have been reading up more about Islam but I am a non Muslim & a free thinker. 😊


the actor is so good, he is truly going thru it in each episode


Every one of these videos has touched my heart in so many beautiful ways. The reminders that my soul needed not only in Ramadan, but every single day. JazakumAllah khair to Dr Omar and the entire production team 🙏🏿🤍🕊🇵🇸


Thank you Yaqeen for helping Muslims answering difficult questions in life. Questions mostly we shy away asking afraid of being judged.


omar opens up your heart, brain and mind in ways you can’t possibly explain. wish this series could continue for a lifetime. may ALLAH bless omar and all the cast involved ❤️‍🩹🙏🏽


Our tanks to Yaqeen for such relevant content. May Allah swt increase you all. May we all benefit from the blessings of Laylatul Qdr and may the ummah become light.
