6 Ways to Break the Trauma Bond After a Toxic Relationship

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Trauma bonding describes loyalty to a destructive and/or abusive person. And in reality, there are neurochemical reasons why this happens. But there are also ways to help expedite the breaking of these bonds. In this video, we explore 6 ways to break the trauma bond.

🔥 One-on-One Coaching With Christina🔥
Tired of the toxic grip a narcissist has on your life? My exclusive 1-on-1 coaching is tailor-made to liberate you from the trauma bond and help you get back to yourself again. Discover the benefits of personalized strategies to heal emotional wounds, conquer obsessive thoughts, and rebuild your self-esteem.

🚀 Here's what you'll gain:
✨ Expert guidance to cut toxic bonds
✨ Customized strategies for emotional recovery
✨ Freedom from obsessive thinking/rumination
✨ Rediscover of your self-worth

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*In this video, I share the tips, techniques and insights that have worked for me in my own journey of healing after narcissistic abuse along with expert tips and tools I've learned through years of coaching narcissistic abuse survivors. I am not a therapist and this video is not meant to provide therapy of any form. #narcissist #covertnarcissist
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They come into our lives to remind us evil is real.


It sucks to love the person and be terrified of them at the same time. I don't wish this on anyone. It took me a whole year to realize that love should not hurt that bad. Good luck to everyone. Be strong.


Keeping no contact makes it easy to break the bond but some days are better than others


I’ve been no contact for 2.5 months now and have no plans to ever speak with him again. Whenever I feel nostalgic for the past fun times (easy to forget the bad times but now I’ve learned how to handle that) I read the last few texts he sent before I changed my number and it puts me back on track to never have anything to do with him again. I’ve started to notice that the memories are fading and he’s in my thoughts less and less. I’m so grateful for my job and family and doggies. Going through this during Covid did prove to be difficult but ultimately it’s making me stronger daily. Thanks for your help and I know that these videos have been what I needed to move forward.


The moment I realized it was trauma bond, I started drifting away from the psychopath. I think he knew EXACTLY what he was doing (he knew a technique for trauma bonding), he said early in the "relationship": "if anyone can ever take you away from me, I want to shake his hand"...now he can shake his own hand.


Each day in no contact makes it easier to continue breaking that bond. It's been since the end of February I've kept no contact from my ex. My ex wrote letters, emails, and even sent messages and I've ignored all of it. It's been a tough battle breaking away but I plan to keep away. It took me 7 times of going back before I finally left for good. Trying to deal with the anxiety and depression is my biggest struggle now...daily I struggle...


I finally went no contact, and felt good about it. Seemed like it had been months and when I checked it had only been 3 weeks! Trauma bond is very real! No contact is the only way I can be healthy.


Has anyone else experience 'warning nightmares' whilst in the relationship wit the narc? And by 'warning' I mean, like a 'premonition' or 'message' that happens in your dream/nightmare that actually comes true... for example, I had reoccurring nightmares on & off throughout the r/ship wit the narc (at the time) that he was cheating with his ex & triangularing me with her amongst cheating on me with others, right at the end of the relationship I got clear evidence that was 'exactly' what was going on... the pain I felt from the nightmare I actually felt when I found out... it was kind of like the movie 'final destination' with the premonitions only with the 'cheating & lies' rather than the gruesome death stuff


I'm totally trauma bond. I cried through out the whole video because I'm just so sad.


He WAS the worst human in my life time. I don't even know why I have to think about him. He basically never respected me lol, my brain is suck.


You have a gut feeling, if you feel that way please listen to it, listen to yourself, kinda check them see if there toxic, if they are, roll on life's to short to deal with toxic narcissistic people, love yourself, do things that make you happy, be blessed.


Well it's officially been one week of no contact for me. Your videos is what has gotten me this far, and has really made me understand what I was dealing with. It was a 9 year relationship rollercoaster. It's hard because so much of our interest, humor, personalitys alighned. It makes me wonder if I'll ever find somebody with so much in common again, but I keep telling myself it was just an illusion and that she just alighned her interest with mine intentionally to feed off of me. Nobody deserves the continous lies, cheat and decite. Thanks again Kristina


Finally a video on how to break the trauma bond without talking about narcs. Not everyone is a narc. Sometimes it’s just toxic and abusive.


1. Stop blaming yourself
2. Write down your story, as if you are writing about other people.
3. Daily check ins about how you feel
4. Expectations
5. Lean into spirituality


I have just recently broken away from my narcissist ex girlfriend. I found this that really describes what happened with God shows you it's time to let someone go and you refuse to accept it, he will allow the person to hurt you to the point you have no choice but to let unfortunately that's exactly what I did.


Still struggling physically very fatigued dizzy anxious It all caught up with me once the relationship was over and your left trying to process everything that went on. Thank you for your incite knowledge and understanding 👍


Emotional abuse is so suffocating man. The man’s mouth is sealed. He doesn’t talk.


Thank you I was literally losing my shit right now thinking what's wrong with me now I know this stage is part of the process


Now that I realized I have been having trauma bonding all these times and I'm shook


I think expectations are ok and fulfillment of the expectations is healthy. People are let off the hook too easy. We expect for a reason. Definitely an eye opener for being more aware of who we let in. I *expect* to be treated with respect, period.
