Alina Zagitova NEW Short Program - THE ICE 2018

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Alina Zagitova - Phantom of the Opera - THE ICE 2018

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Alina is great but I got the feeling this wasn't meant for her but for Medvedeva. The style is pretty obvious. And I feel sad for her. RussFed needs to stop putting her second. She deserves better.


She's too good. Amazingly difficult transitions, stunning spins.


Those saying the edit Is bad the choreo Is bad bla bla bla, the season havent even started the program obviously hasnt grown in her, she will polish it and do it wonderful, her body is growing she looks taller and more womanly so her moves wont feel the same! I dont understand whyyy such heavy heavy critics, what do you all want?? Sotnikova back or what!!??


that entrance into the 2 axel is so fuckin difficult! OMG


Интересно. Не самая обычная интерпретация "Призрака оперы", респект Данилу. Есть ощущение какой-то незавершенности, шероховатости, что совершенно естественно - ещё межсезонье, программа пока не вкатана как следует. Думаю, когда Алина будет на пике формы (ну и, конечно, в другом платье) - как говорит ТАТ, будет бомба) Здоровья нашей олимпийской чемпионке!


Someone save this poor girl. Seems like Eteri uses her as Evgenia's replacement. I mean, this is totally a program designed for Evgenia (pantomine, story), not for Alina.


Alina had so much potential, and she still does, but this program really hinders that. The music cut sounds like a bad youtube compilation instead of a professional piece. So much went wrong here. Phantom is a beautiful composition, but it has to be done right with a very thoughtful ear. The music choices could've worked for a free program, since everything wouldn't be as condensed as it is here. But shoved together for a short program it sounds rushed. I honestly dislike the use of the lyrics in the cut of "think of me", I think it distracts from Alina's beautiful skating, but thats just a personal choice and I don't expect everyone to agree. Some people might think it adds something to the program, that is their opinion to have. I don't know, after watching her programs from last season I was in awe. This left me confused. The choreography seems disconnected from the music. Also, it seems like they are trying to push her towards Evgenia's style. Maybe they aren't, but if they are its absurd since her and Alina are two very different skaters stylistically. Alina still has so much more room to grow, it would be a shame for her talents to be wasted trying to be like someone else. She is amazing as herself. There is a difference between taking inspiration from another skater and trying to be like another skater. Eteri should understand this and let Alina grow in her own style while still improving. One of her strong suits was bringing her ballet training to the ice, that is where she had the best artistry. None of that is shown here, even though the character she is encompassing was a ballet girl herself...


I'm sorry but this is not really good. The program is just all over the place and she's rushing through the program. The music is also really bad cut.


She’s really maturing but too bad the program is all over the place...


She is really growing as an artist, but I am disappointed by all the different cuts of the music. It is a bit excessive. :)


I didn't recognize her at first, maybe because of the hair. Anyway the program is lovely, she seems to be maturing pretty fast.


Terrible music editing! It's impossible to cram every Phantom ost in three minutes and the transition is super awkward. I feel like Alina's skating skills, arm movement and facial expression have been improving drastically, but the program simply doesn't do her justice. She's an olympic champion and she deserves better.


Похорошела, стала женственной- красавица, программа естественно ещё не обкатана, но очень интересная.... Думаю, что музыка и костюм будут изменена к серьезным соревнованиям, сейчас прокат и все "изюминки" обычно не раскрываются....Я думаю Алина девушка с характером и всё у неё получится..А кто пишет пакости, то не забывайте Алина Загитова- Олимпийская Чемпионка... вот так!!!


Beautiful Alina, she is even better now! Love her!!!


Interesting. Alina looks more like Jessica alba every day ☺️


I love the program. Alina is becoming more and more beautiful and the style of skating is gorgeous. People criticizing the coach team, can you remember whose athletes occupied the podiums both in senior and junior competitions last season, please?


She looks like Radionova now.... and from overall appearance  like Lipnitskaya in the 2015/16 season


I love you Alina 😍👏👏 Thank you for sharing!


I think Alina did a really great job with this and I think she's matured a lot but this program is kind of a mess musically and choreographically... Also her I spin is SO good now.


And nobody is saying anything about her new axel entry
