Helaena and Aegon Targaryen #hotd #houseofthedragon #helaenatargaryen #aegontargaryen

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*The woman playing Helaena's character is phenomenal...*


The way Heleana showed her discomfort in that scene was so powerful. I've felt that way before so much so I felt tears come to my eyes while watching her. That actress is incredibly talented.


Its so sad because you can tell they really love their children and took care of them better than they were cared for. Ive never felt anything for Aegon but this made me cry.


Ultimately they were still children who needed the comfort of their parents. They needed so much more support then they got


The fact that Otto said that the King needed rest and shouldn’t be on the wagon too because it would be to hard on him, and the show immediately cutting to Haelena who was there when the cild was unalived and is grieving too but still being forced to endure the “funeral”
It was a perfect way to depict the double standards of the situation


Tom is really killing it so far. He’s been funny, furious, broken hearted, unsure, etc and it has only been 2 episodes


You know, when the wagon got stuck in the pothole, I was holding my breath because I was scared that with enough force, the sewing of the head would be undone and the head just plops on the ground.


man, helaena mumbling "mummy" to alicent broke my heart for the 2947394 time this episode


I love how she nodded her head, after walking past Aegon.. like, "yup.. that's about right.."


This really shows that Aegon and Heleana have no control despite being the King and Queen. Otto has all the control, until Aegon fired him (which finally).
The King and Queen of Green are all but pawns, trapped in a war they were born into, and they are tormented with death.
All of Viserys’ children are victims of the hames their family plays around them.

Daemon takes action without Rhaenyra’s council, causing her more trouble than good.
Otto forces Alicent, Aegon, and Heleana to parade their loss despite all three of them blatantly stating “I don’t want to”. It’s a sad world HoTD is. It truly reflects how horrid war can be and the depravity of corrupt power


His acting is top notch ...
As did rhaenyra and lucerys the last episode.


I Rather spent the rest of my life with aegon than an hour with joffrey.


The way she shook her head in acceptance to the fact that she’s in it all on her own, broke me 😢


I like Helaena more than any Targaryen i’ve seen yet, she real sweet and real


In the last season I thought Aegon doesn't care abt the kids. He didn't even want to be king. But if low-key hurts seeing him mourn and cry for his son. And obviously Halaenas pain too


Aegon and Helaena were brothers and sisters who were forced to marry each other at such a young age. I feel bad for both of them and their son, they deserve better parents than Alicent and Viserys(who basically neglected them)


I love that Aegon cared really for his son and feel sad for his death
He is really trying to be a good father. Not like his father who cared only to his biggest daughter and also not like his mother who treated him like a tool to make him a king without care about what he really want. In my opinion Aegon would be really a good person if he had just got a lovely parent's.
Also i feel really sad for helaena she is pure for this world


I don’t care what people try to justify from Alicents position in life. That she was young and wasn’t ready ABCD. But she’s just a bad mother. Even once grown she justifies using her children as pawns to “keep them alive” when in actuality she’s thrown herself so far down the rabbit hole she just doesn’t know how to stop.
Because she could have easily stopped 98% of the shit that is happening here if she had at ANY POINT stepped up for her children.
They say a mother will do anything for her children. She expects her children to do anything for her.


acting only with facial expressions
actress of helena : sign me up❤


To ask a mother, to ride behind her son's exposed, dead body, where she can see his head has been reattached to his body would be the most barbaric thing imaginable. And Aegon? Damn, he broke my heart. No, he's not a good guy but the fact he did love his son is obvious. He loved his son more than his own father and mother loved him. Not making excuses for the horrible things he has done (what he did to the maid, the children fighting in a pit) but it's understandable how he is the mess that he is. And why Aemond has Momma Issues.
