Hubble Telescope Captured Red Supergiant Supernova | Secrets of an Earlier Universe

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Red-supergiant supernova: Secrets of an earlier Universe
An transnational research team led by the University of Minnesota Twin metropolises has measured the
of a star dating back 2 billion years after the Big Bang, or further than 11 billion years ago. Detailed
show the exploding star cooling and could help scientists learn further about the stars and galaxies
present in
the early Universe. " This is the first detailed look at a supernova at a much earlier time of the Universe's
evolution," said Patrick Kelly, a lead author of the paper and an associate professor in the University of
Minnesota School of Physics and Astronomy." It's very exciting because we can learn in detail about an
individual star when the Universe was lower than a fifth of its current age, and begin to understand if the
that was numerous billions of times agone are different from the ones nearby." The red supergiant in
was about 500 times larger than the sun, and it's located at redshift three, which is about 60 times farther
away than any other winner observed in this detail. Using data from the Hubble Space Telescope with
followup spectroscopy using the University of Minnesota's access to the Large Binocular Telescope, the
experimenters were able to identify multiple detailed images of the red supergiant because of a
called gravitational lensing, where mass, similar as that in a galaxy, bends light. This magnifies the light
emitted from the star. Kelly said." Then, we see three images. Indeed though they can be seen at the
time, they show the supernova as it was at different periods separated by several days. We see the
fleetly cooling, which allows us to principally reconstruct what happened and study how the supernova
cooled in its first few days with just one set of images. It enables us to see a rehearsal of a supernova."

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