Top Female Plastic Surgeon on Patient Individuality

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Every patient is an individual and every individual who walks into your office has many factors going on with their face, and how they led their life, and their genetics.
You can't paint every patient with the same brush and some of those factors include genetic factors, which mean that certain patients are going to be predisposed for big, fat pockets around their eyes or the laxity of their skin is very weak and so they're going to get falling of their tissues or they're going to lose more fat in their face as they age, and those are things over which they have no control.
Other factors are environmental factors. There are many patients who've spent an inordinate amount of time in the sun and there's no question that sun damage increases aging process and it really permanently destroys the elasticity of the skin.
And the second one I think is drinking frankly, which we don't talk about quite as much as we do sun damage but I think having watched women over 30 years, I can pick out the ones who drink a couple of glasses of wine every day because I think wine has many things which cause swelling around the eyes and so the fine skin around the eyes tends to get stretched out and after a fashion and you get more wrinkling and you get more crepiness.
And then you have patients who take terrific care of themselves, and they have great genetics, and they may have a little bit of sagging, and they have great bone structure, and so you can't put all those patients into one basket.