Cyborg cockroaches could be used as mapping tool

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Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a mapping system that would make use of the remarkable survival skills of cockroaches.

According to New Atlas, cockroaches are fitted with electronics connected to their antennae and cerci. Scientists can remotely steer the cockroaches by stimulating their antennae and accelerate their movements by stimulating their cerci.

The cyborg cockroaches’ movements are restricted by a UAV via radio signal, which contains their movements to within 20 meters. The UAV signal is able to penetrate buildings, the university said in a press release.

The insects would move freely within the defined area and would emit radio waves, which would translate into a map of the area. The UAV would move to unexplored sections until all sections are mapped.

“This has utility for areas – like collapsed buildings – where GPS can’t be used,” Edgar Lobaton, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at NC State and co-author of two papers describing the work said in the press release.

The researchers hope the system will help rescue teams locate survivors after a disaster and to provide a safe way for officials to rescue victims.

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