High Protein Donuts that aren't Dry (67g Protein)

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Macros 8 Donuts: 689 calories, 58C, 18F, 67P
Oats 60g
Cocoa 20g
PB2 26g
Sweetener 25g
Casein vailla 15g
Whey vanilla 15g
Baking powder 1/2 tsp
Baking soda 1/4 tsp

Egg 1
Egg whites 50g
Skyr 50g
Milk 100g

Macros frosting: 265 Calories, 19C, 5F, 34P
Cocoa 5g
PB2 26g
Casein Vanilla 15g
Skyr 50g
Milk 100g

Pre heat oven to 180°C or 350°F. Add dry ingredients into a bowl and mix. Add wet ingredients into a separate bowl and mix. Add wet to dry ingredients and mix until creamy. Transfer batter into 8 donut wholes and bake for 12-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, make the frosting by combining all ingredients in a bowl and mix until creamy and smooth.

Let donuts cooldown for 10 minutes after baking. Then dump them in frosting and enjoy :)

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Рекомендации по теме

i will never get tired of you explaining the difference between whey protein powder and casein


When baking in the silicone molds put them onto a cookie sheet so you don't have to worry about them bending and flopping around. You wont have to clean the cookie tray because of the mold but you can move it to the oven and back safer and easier.


I love the fact that you showed the difference between the two protein powders. So glad I found your channel, it has really helped me with recipes. Im going to try this. Thank you for sharing


bruh this is what i needed in life. donuts are literally my biggest weakness. i don't really have a problem binge eating or losing weight but the one thing i miss is donuts. i'll eat donuts once or twice throughout the month as a reward. (i never eat just one donut its always 2 or 3) so this is such a godsend.


Felu your work is fantastic. Years of going back and forth with diets and nutritionists and still I couldn't really keep my weight consistent.
I've been introducing your recipes into my meal plans and I can't explain how well they work for me. I'm not hungry, have less cravings, meal prep is quite fast, and I'm actually losing weight at a moderate but healthy rate.
I feel that something that helped me a lot is when you explain how you combine or reason through preparing a dish. That kind of reasoning and the full macro breakdown helped me hugely.
I appreciate everything you do, and I just bought your book.
Thanks for everything 💪


New subscriber here. I absolutely love your channel. I started my weight loss journey back in 2011. I lost 85 lbs during that time and have kept it off ever since. My sweet tooth (or I usually call it my inner fatboy) never left. I have tried and made many different variations of protein chocolate donuts. And they ALWAYS come out dry. This is the best version yet. Thank you so so much!!


Just made these and they came out pretty good! Thanks!


Love this recipe and the donuts!

Also, if you'd like, I would highly recommend a rubber spatula to scrape off the remaining batter that may be hard to get off with a spoon! Game-changer for maximizing every bit of food for me.


Oh wow this one looks delicious I’m going to try it. One frosting I use that doesn’t have protein but has very little calories is hersheys cocoa powder, powdered erythretol, and instant coffee. With just a tiny bit of almond milk until it’s the right consistency Makes a nice chocolate coffee glaze.


I like how you explain everything relevant in a timely manner


Thanks for this recipe. I like eating a lot of food, so I'm excited to make these and eat half of them at once.


Mmm, looks good. I just got the book - the formatting and design are very good. Everything you need to know for a recipe all on one easy to understand page. Already have 3 or 4 recipes I want to try this week.


Ive got a chronic illness that greatly restricts my fat intake, so these recipes are a great way to get some of the foods i like so much back, thanks so much!!!


Gave these a try today, though I used a whey/casein/chocolate hot chocolate protein powder blend instead of the cocoa/protein (also used it for the frosting) and they turned out great, and roughly 110cals a piece! (it made 8) Thank you for the recipe/idea!


One of these would be wonderful post workout. Talk about a nice recovery after really putting out the effort.


1:24 just want to point out the beauty of the white oak cutting board/surface. Great video 👍🏼.


I imagine these can be also baked in muffin pans, instead of donut shaped?
these look great and I love your cookbook!


Great stuff. Your videos have changed how I cook and eat. Thank you.


I'm allergic to sugar, so I like to make my own frosting as well. However, my frosting isn't as healthy as yours, but it does harden over time. I use a little butter, whey protein, and aspartame. Aspartame loses it sweetness when heated, so unlike erythritol, it's not the best for cooking, but it's great for toppings. Thx for all the recipes.


With Ramadan coming up i was thinking really hard about how to crave my sweet tooth,
You read my mind lol
Thank you as always felu!!!
BTW if you guys haven’t tried his cookbook yet, it’s amazing and well formatted 💪🏼
