Infections, high but declining

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Covid symptoms continue to evolve, sore throat now most common.

US, proportions of circulating variants

BA.5 81.9% (78.7%)

BA.4 12.9% (17.2%)

BA2. 12.1 5% (3.4%)

BA.2 0.3%

BA.1 0%

BA. 2.75 (24 UK cases)

UK, Technical briefing data

Zoe data

R = 0.9

About one in 17 currently infected

Declining in all areas of UK

Most infections are new

BA.5 is infecting recent BA.2 infections


UK, increase in urinary frequency

List of covid symptoms

Sore throat, 59%

Headache, 49%

Cough, no phlegm 43%

Blocked nose, 42%

Runny nose, 40%

Cough with phlegm, 39%

Hoarse, 39%

Sneezing, 32%

Fatigue, 30%

Muscle pains 24%

Dizzy, 19%

Swollen neck glands, 15%

Altered smell, 15%

Sore eyes, 14%

Chest pain / tightness, 13%

Fever, 13%

Loss of smell, 12%

Shortness of breath, 11%

Earache, 11%

Chills or shivers, 10%

Health study data

Symptomatic cases, 176,147

Current symptomatic prevalence, 3, 480, 836

UK, latest data


Decrease from 20th July

4.83% in England (1 in 20 people)

5.14% in Wales (1 in 19 people)

6.18% in Northern Ireland (1 in 16 people)

5.17% in Scotland (1 in 19 people)

Antibody levels

The presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 suggests that a person has previously been infected with COVID-19 or vaccinated.

179ng/ml level

800ng/ml theshold

US data

US hospital data

Current 7 day average, 6,186 admissions

Down 2.7% on the week
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much for the consistent updates! I'm a nutritionist and google keeps sending me articles on poorly done research or just plain misleading articles on how vitamin D is useless. These kinds of articles have been written for years (one of the reasons why I don't trust the media, the government and the pharmaceutical industry way before this pandemic) but the numbers have dramatically increased during the pandemic. All of us recommending vitamin D, zinc, quercetin etc are being labeled as dangerous spreaders of misinformation. Glad more and more people are seeing through the BS.


His whole manner is so reassuring! It is calming to get correct, real information, but it is also delivered with much tact. What an amazing service you are doing for the humanity in producing these videos!


When I caught Covid and was in bed feeling sick, listening to Dr John Campbells voice was extremely comforting. I followed his advice and let the fever run through. Thank you!


I’m 70ish and live in Texas. Three and a half years ago I started taking vitamin D3 on the recommendation of my doctor after having frequent recurring bouts of pneumonia over a three year period of time. Honest to God I’ve not even had a cold since I started taking the D3. I’ve had allergies, but no sinus infection and no cold. I’ve not taken the jab.
My very elderly mom has had the jab and the boosters, as have nearly all the others in my extended family. I’m the only one who hasn’t had the coof, including my children and grandchildren. Explain that. They keep warning me that “if and when” i contract Covid I’m gonna be a goner. 🤷🏼‍♀️ A couple of months ago I added zinc and vitamin C to my regimen. Still alive and kicking 😊


Dr John, what would we do without your calm, logical and informative analysis of this 2.5 year madness? You deserve knighthood!!


I'm an unvaccinated 43 year old male from Canada living in Japan. I got Covid in February and again about 3 weeks ago. The first time was a little rough but I got through it alright, the second time was a walk in the park. My wife who is also unvaccinated had no symptoms in February and only slight symptoms this time around. Very mild symptoms for my 13 year old daughter both times. If you have a working immune system, you have nothing to worry about! Don't be afraid!


Thank you for your talks. I find them informative to the point and in my opinion unbiased.

Very hard to find that in the United States with the polit climate we’re in right now where we are divided by left and right.


Funny how the mass vaccinated countries are the worst off, can't imagine why? Maybe you could explain this Dr John?


In a previous comment I mentioned improving our overall health. Here are several ways to do so:
1) Eat real food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil)
2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, honey, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners
3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils
4) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, enough to tan while avoiding sunburn
5) Exercise moderately
6) Sleep long enough each night
7) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you
8) Don't snack


Thank you Dr.Campbell for keeping us up to date on Covid.
Your statistically based information keeps us current!
God bless you 💕😊❤️


Yo John your the best. I appreciate all your video. Thank you for being unbiased and level headed. I feel like your the only source of information I can trust. And for that I thank you greatly! If I could, I’d nominate you for knighthood. Keep up the videos!


John just something I'dd like to add. Loss of smell isnt just unpleasant, its potentially quite dangerous with regard to smoke/fire, gas or even bad foods and drinks. Sorry if my language isnt to good, greeting from The Netherlands.


Dear Doctor John, I have been following you from the start, and you have been the person I have trusted along with the Zoe team. I just want to say thank you once more for all your hard work. You have reassured and informed me all this time and made me feel in safe hands. Will always be grateful.


Just can’t thank you enough Dr John . You have been my peace in this crazy time. I know your information is clear and not bias. Thank you
Thank you !!


We thank you john 🙏 for your continued hard work through the whole covid situation.


At last the inevitable happenned and my husband and I got COVID on day 2 of our holiday! Thanks, John. I have followed your well informed videos from the start. I'm feeling blessed I did not get it early, and have known what to expect. The worst for me was the headache - felt like it was in a vice for 36 hours! I also had about half of the other symptoms on the ZOE list to varying degrees - throat, hot and cold and tiredness being the next in line. I'm sorry to hear I may not smell perfume again for some years, but if that is all... as I say, I am blessed!


Haiti has 1, 5% vac rate and among worlds lowest infection rates. Explain that.


Thanks John for making these updates that are based on facts and common sense as usual


Dear Dr. Campbell, thank you for keeping us informed.


Thanks for mentioning Japan. People are still wearing masks here (in Japan), despite 40 degree temperatures and 97% humidity, and even though they are not mandated outdoors. They are expecting the numbers to peak here around August 6th / 7th, so it will be interesting to see if their forecasts prove correct.

I have been following you since spring 2020... I haven't commented in a while, but I watch weekly. Thank you so much for consistently providing updates in a calm and fair manner.
