The TRUTH About Shoulder Impingement

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In this video, I tell you the TRUTH about shoulder impingement!


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What is Shoulder Impingement? (0:00)
The History of Shoulder Impingement (1:05)
Does Subacromial Decompression Fix Shoulder Impingement? (2:13)
Does That Mean Shoulder Impingement Doesn’t Exist? (5:26)
Short Recap (6:52)
Why Does Any Of This Even Matter? (8:25)
Are There Bad Exercises? (9:28)
Why Does My Shoulder Hurt Then? (13:08)
What Should We Call Shoulder Impingement Instead? (15:19)
Final Thoughts About Shoulder Impingement (17:26)

Disclaimer: The information presented is not intended as medical advice or to be a substitute for medical counseling but intended for entertainment purposes only. If you are experiencing pain, please seek the appropriate healthcare professional.
Рекомендации по теме

This is the BEST video I've ever seen on shoulder impingement. E3 Rehab is #1!!!


As a PT myself, this was one of my favorite videos you have presented. I have been waiting for a follow up to your upright row video which completely changed my thinking back then and this was excellent. I also appreciated Sam’s demonstrations as well. I knew the source materials immediately and it frustrates me for those uniformed viewers. Keep up the great work.


As a PTA, I love watching your content. I have learned so much (and unlearned so much) about how best to help my patients. I will be sharing this with my colleagues. Thank you guys


You guys are awesome! The best physical therapy channel on YouTube in my eyes! I am always growing as a PT watching your content, applying it to my evaluation and treatment skills, and seeing the research you review for my own sake. Nobody comes close, in my opinion, to what you keep doing.


Absolutely phenomenal video. Your use of research to back your claims while giving relevant history behind the condition is great teaching. Thank you for this!


Bald Omni Man in the video?! The E3 Rehab team are fellow Renaissance Periodization enjoyers


The depth and the angle you provided was awesome. Thank you.


Good work. Need to be shared because so many people swear about shoulder impingement now, exactly like during many years people thought spinach was a very important source of iron just because a researcher made a typo about iron proportion in spinach!


Well done sir. Had some pinching, stop me in my tracks shoulder pain, start around fall of last year. Orthopedist said I seems to be an overused bicep tension. I’m a mechanic, mountain bike a lot, and play darts.

Just being mindful of what movements made it hurt and in the beginning, a little bit of band work, I now have been feeling it less and less. Still there, but I would rather keep it moving, make sure when carrying or moving any weight during work or elsewhere, to engage any muscles around that can aid in the work to do so. Usually helps much like a brace of the forearm for tendinitis.

Ortho didn’t recommend surgery and we just keep an eye on it for some time. This video was great and I agree with a lot of what you said. Thank you


Thanks for the video… very interesting and informative. I have been struggling with shoulder pain for the last 18 months or so that was diagnosed as SIS. I am an active 58 year old male who loves weight training. Through the help of PT that targeted scapular mobility problems, core strength and postural strength I was able to return to and progress with manageable symptoms. About 6 months ago I had a setback. I had to stop all upper body loading for a while and returned only by stopping all pressing movements as they seriously flared up pain. Over time I have been slowly able to add limited pressing movements back—currently dumbbell incline presses and recently seated overhead dumbbell presses. I have limited discomfort with these movements. I am very conservative of load, volume and frequency. I have not pain in pulling movements. My biggest complaint is pain during sleep. Every night the pain flares up regardless of sleep position and/shoulder support. The pain is generally in the 6-7 of 10 range and either wakes me or makes it difficult to fall back to sleep. I had an MRI done this week and they report “mild to moderate hypertrophic changes in left AC joint causing mild to moderate compression” of the supraspinatus—“there is mild lateral downsloping acromion process”. No tear is seen. I’m at a loss. I’m fine with my progress in the gym. Overtime I am gaining functionality with not increase in symptoms. But, the plain at night is intolerable. Is getting a steroid injection a good next step? Am I foolish to keep pressing given my nighttime pain? What about surgery that doesn’t remove bone, but just burrs down the “spur”? You only talked about the extreme version of decompression surgery. Thanks for any thoughts you have.


Really interesting video. I developed quite bad pain in my right shoulder and was diagnosed with shoulder impingement... I suspect it was being caused by very poor posture... I did all the pysio work that was recommended by my Physiotherapist and added a bunch of additional exercises to work on my posture and over time it all went away. The reason i found out posture was likely the cause is that i was still able to train my shoulders (with some pain) but it hurt a hell of a lot less when i was strict with putting my shoulders back... it was then i realised how useful a mirror is when you're training!!


BigUprightRow™ here, can confirm this man isn't on our payroll


That was a master's level lecture about shoulder diagnosis and more. No one can make a more clear explanation on this topic. Thanks for giving your energy, time and knowledge to help the field grow 🎉


Never had any problems with my shoulder in my life, even when I was benching +300lb. Then did a 150lb warmup rep on the bench and something twinged very subtly. That was 6 months ago and my shoulder has gradually become super painful.


Always so impressed with the content! Been following Eric and Nicole for 2 years, and it's made me such a better clinician!


One of the most useful sources online!❤ keep up the great work


This video is amazing! I wish every patient could understand all of this!
I like to rehab shoulders based on:
Stiff & painful
Weak & painful
Acute traumatic etc

But at the end of the day, the rehab is nearly the same for all!


Current upright row 140lbs for 11. A couple of set done after benching and over head pressing.

I won't stop because it also makes my shoulders feel better and they have become stronger.


Revolutionary, hopefully this reaches many people


As I pt thad does a masters on this subject I have to say that this video is amazing. And the evidence is in high standard! Thanks so much.
