Shoulder Impingement Vs. Shoulder Tear [2 Simple Tests]

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Rear delt type exercises open the shoulder socket to give tendons more area to move. Helps alot.


In my 8 yrs of lifting I never knew who got their shoulder sprained during a shoulder press. It normally occus while doing chest workouts.


This might be the best damn video about a shoulder injury. Excellent guys. Thx


When my Dr did some of those tests, it was the absolute closest I ever came to punching a woman. That was about the worst pain I ever felt.


Most clear and understanding video on this topic.. thanks


Dude with the red shirt is funny, thanks for making me laugh👍


Just had impingement 2 hours before... Thanks for explaining this.


The beginning of the video had me weak 😂you just came outta nowhere and he's like wtf 😂


Thanks man I had my son check for an impingement on me.
It popped my shoulder. Feels super good now!


🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 I love it!!! I wonder if my clients would be upset if I “Will Smith” slapped them 🤔😂


Holy crap lol, doing the impingement test made it all better. It was mild I believe but acts up here and there


Welp that means I got an impingement. Was kinda worried about that. Thank you!


I love it! These guys are so entertaining and informative. I love the way the guy smacks him then the way he runs away at the end lol.


I still don't get it because while i self diagnose this with the method shown above and other recommendations I don't have impingement not a tear however when i am performing a weighted overhead press i have pain on my left shoulder that i end up re racking the bar and the only way for me to do a overhead press with weights is when i drop the weights down to 40pounds and then lift it with my hand shoulder width apart. I still am going to get my left shoulder checked.


I did the first test and my shoulder cracked so loud that everybody in the room turned to look at me... am I gonna die?


Wow that video really bringing a sense of reality and pain it's in my life.. I have a muscle impingement with arthritis developing a bump in pinching on my muscle.. and I had a torn ligament so the sports medicine stitch the back and removed the bump impinging on muscle. I'm still in pain after the June 13, 2024 surgery here in Brooklyn.. one peaceful night. The 5 mg of oxycodone hardly.. I went to my pain management doctor to give me some cortisone I think it helps a little .. I'm wondering how long will this pain continue when will I see it's subsiding. I'm afraid to go to physical therapy I'm afraid to miss the appointment cuz I'm so groggy all day long😊


I will try to keep it short but with enough details. I'm 22 years old. I lived in Florida last year and was in very good physical shape. going to the gym every day, eating healthy and sleeping super well because I just had to focus on college.

one night after going to the gym and doing my things I had a beer with a friend. I hardly ever drink but I decided to do it that night because it was a special occasion. after that I went to sleep at approximately 11:50 pm. I woke up around 3 in the night with intense pain in my left shoulder. I felt like it was a "bone" and that my shoulder had "dislocated". I was kind of groggy because what really woke me up was the sound my shoulder made. what I did was "reset" whatever was happening to my shoulder by putting a little pressure on it and then I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up with horrible pain in my left shoulder. I had to go to the emergency doctor. They did tests on me. I had an xray and an MRI done. The doctor told me that he had nothing in his bones but that there were signs of inflammation. I told the doctor that the pain was very strong and the only thing he told me was to put on a sling for 2 months and that if I couldn't stand the pain he could give me percocet, I agreed to use the sling but I flatly refused the pills because I didn't I felt comfortable using such strong medication even though the pain was unbearable. After two months with my sling, my problem was still the same. I made several appointments and they told me that I needed PT.

I went to several sessions and it really didn't help me at all. I decided to call my mother who lives in the Dominican Republic to see if she could see my Doctor there. I went and had my appointment with my orthopedist who told me the same thing after having an MRI: “there is only a little swelling, I want you to do 30 sessions of physical therapy”. I did just that. I did my sessions as best I could and I really feel like it got worse. Breathing in hurts my shoulders and near my neck and shoulder blades. I still dont know what the hell is going on after 2 years and my life is literally going downhill because of this shit

The last thing I did was come to my father's house in NJ and go to several appointments with different specialists to see if anyone gave me a concrete answer about what exactly I have and in short, no one has been able to give me any other answer other than pills. and physical therapy. I am a very happy person and I love to exercise but this situation is affecting me in an inexplicable way. I don't feel like myself, I've gained a lot of weight and honestly I'm completely unhappy.

I turned 22 in January and I did nothing but pretend in front of my relatives and cry since I was alone... I don't know how helpful it is to give details of the symptoms I feel but here it goes:

my shoulder every now and the starts twitching, i feel some movement is like something is trying to heal by itself but it just cant. This movement has happened since the first day of my problem, which was in June 2021, also with any movement I feel like it's dislocating but I know for a fact is not a bone I just don't know how to call it. Since this problem started I can hear a cracking/snapping noise, it started only in the left shoulder but I deduce that by only doing force with the right shoulder and with my neck it has also affected me and now it also happens in my right shoulder. when I breathe sometimes I also hear that sound and finally I feel that the pain is somehow moving through my body because I feel that by stopping using my left shoulder to avoid hurting it more I have applied a lot of stress to other parts of my body, As I said now my neck hurts a lot, sometimes even when I look to the right my left shoulder hurts. The part of the back near my shoulder blade also hurts a lot.


I failed both the test and when to doctors & specialist but they can't seem to find something wrong and it's frustrating me because I know what and how i feel


That was some really good acting. I actually cringed at it when he tried to lift the dumbs lol


Negative for both, still have pain while doing pullups and/or overhead hand in the back shoulder stretches.
Mild pain only, goes away as soon as I stop pullups.
