Is New Zealand’s history true?

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Wow the comments went dark quickly. The only reason to lock up archeological findings until 2063 is to cover up inconvenient facts. This is a fantastic piece of history that most advanced countries would explore with glee and enthusiasm. The sites should be protected, not disappeared.


If you look, you will see that what they are mapping, is not Australasia, but Borneo and Java (And don't say that it was not Borneo, because Borneo was much bigger than what is on the map, Australia was much much bigger. It is far more likely that what they are depicting is the Indonesian archipelago)
Secondly, even if it was New Zealand, it wouldn't matter, Maori waka would have already been there for around three centuries, MINIMUM.
Please stop spreading colonial myths, and try to not be racist, I hope this is the last time I will have to correct you.


This is very inaccurate. It is commonly know that when a country is conquered the victor writes the history. When history is written the pendulum usually swings in favour of the conqueror.

The sad thing when us European conquer indigenous cultures, we suppressed their history, language and knowledge. The Maori people make up only 10% of the New Zealand population of that 10% only 21% speak the native language Maori. Maori history was passed through songs, stories and art in the way of carvings body tattoos and paintings.

There are records throughout that Maori, Polynesia, South America and Asia were trading for several 1000s of years pre European. There is also evidence from lingering Maori and Polynesian songs and dances that giant fair skin people would travel through extending right down to New Zealand, the description of travelling giant fair skinned people closely resembles that of the north men.
These stories will never be told or will never live on as our people have suppressed any bit of knowledge or history any indigenous people people have. In short the only history that is being covered up is that of the indigenous cultures of the world. Us Europeans rewrote history in our favour. We conquered and rewrote history in our favour and taught it in the education system we created.


There's also a book called Ancient Celtic New Zealand by Martin Doutre that strongly suggests a European culture living in NZ long before Maori arrived. I also understand that Captain Cook even noted in his log books of his sightings of tall pale skinned Red haired people observing his fleet from clifftops while anchored in harbour. There certainly seems to be many discrepancies in New Zealands history that seemed to be covered up by successive governments over the years.


Stop saying European... Just because you want to one up and deflect guilt. The story isn't your own.


Lmao no. Lots of buried secrets lots of $$$ at stake.


Yes, DNA does not lie....only it's interpretation!


What does this mean for nz? And would this affect ToW? I mean it’s already been signed. Genuinely curious. This is the first video I have seen of yours.


Throughout the ages people of many cultures have come to New Zealand, whose to say that the first people here was three thousand years ago? There could have been people here before Zealandia sunk to what it is today? Who actually even knows the true history of times past? I'm Maori myself Ngati Mahuta/Ngati Naho and I notice that different tribes have different features different looks I've come across some that look Australian Aboriginal, South Americas, Native American, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islands, Asian and European


Another lie . Watch skeleton in New Zealand’s cupboards. When I watched this documentary years ago there has been skullduggery in our history, hidden from us, New Zealand was inhabited 3, 000 years ago by Celtics and Persians, Māori stole the Celtic culture and designs which can easily be seen by comparing the 2 cultures . Absolutely disgusting. The lies we have been told incredible and despicable . The people, before Māori, were white skinned blue eyed and red haired . The Māori ate them and killed them all before stealing their culture . Reviling, I can not stand lies and deception and our history is full of shameful lies . Māori are not the proud race they claim to be . Since when does politics have the right override honest history .since as long “as time” it appears .


Nz has to face this truth soon.. all are realising it


yeah well maori aint black and never were. i am maori and i was born with blond hair and as i aged it is now reddish black my daughters have my hair colour. maori was never our real name. the westerners gave the name to us. one thing u must realise is that we are the right land occupants. many other polynesians had come from different parts of the pacific and bred with our ancestors. captain cook himself brought other polynesians here to try and translate our language for him. we are apart of maui. who fished up a giant stingray and being a giant himself. the stingray which is north island had become petrified. is now the land we all live on. history is written in favour of you westerners not us maori. you guys call all our true stories myths. but to out people it is real history


The Patu Paearehe weren’t Europeans, so Europeans didn’t ‘discover’ this land first. And secondly certain Maori tribes believe that they did not come on waka (voyage boat) but were originally here and come from the spirtual beings who orignated from this land, tibes like Tūhoe.


This is going to upset the apple cart! Maori will try and destroy the evidence!


The documentary referenced concluded that these light haired / skinned people were Persian not European.


Maori history and culture is given to them courtesy of the government and the predetermined agenda that it is slotted into. Skeletons in the closet is an outstanding doco.


I tried to follow your link Terry and the video seems to have been removed… surprised?


As a former New Zealander who left in 1979, I find this most interesting thank you for sharing it, is there more? I took a trip back in 2000 and couldn't get over how the Maoris had been granted power over the sea and the air space. I took a tour through the big museum in Wellington and was shocked. It was like the Maoris had been taking lessons from certain militants in America, who demanded reparation's and such. Your govt has it's own agenda, as does our current govt.


they have block the link in New Zealand cover up!?


I remember as a young man an old sheep farmer quipt: Maori got here as slaves on ancient middle eastern expedition ships.
