Why the Sith Rule of 2 SUCKED!

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Liam explains why the Sith Rule of 2 Sucked and didn't work the way you think it did.

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While I agree that the rule of 2 is often misunderstood and I agree that it did not always inherently make the following Sith more powerful, it was originally designed to ensure that old Sith who let their guard down, IE Plagues, would be removed from the Sith line. It also was designed to ensure that it would not only be those with raw power that ascended to Sith Master, but those with the Pure Inelegance needed to enact a plan on a galactic scale. As for the effectiveness of it I mean… just look at Sidious. He won. He dismantled the republic and reigned over the known galaxy with an iron fist. Now there where Jedi that survived and inevitably Luke rose to meet him but, he single handedly did what a galactic army of Sith never managed to do, obliterate the Jedi order and scatter them to the wind. And that was what the rule of two had been leading up to the entire time. After generations of Sith Lords and their efforts Sidious rose to stand at its pinnacle. The Rise of Skywalker may not be my favorite SW movie, but it got one thing right. It showed us the raw power that Sidious was able to harness.

If you want to talk more about it I’d be more than happy to discuss my views on Star Wars lore.


In a way the rule of 2 kind of acknowledges that the Sith will always lose to the Jedi. It focuses on creating sith who are better lended to subterfuge and conspiracy rather than overt might which sort of acknowledges the fact that in a direct clash the sith can never win.


Being more Sith than Powerful? Good point OP!!

Given that there were only Two Sith, the Master was forced to remain consistently vigilant. And im not talking about JUST towards his own apprentice. One slip up and the Rule of Two could be reset.

If you weren't on your game 100% of the time watching out for threats from every where, you didn't deserve to be the Master.

After Darth Zannah has Umbar Assassin's ambush Darth Bane, her master rages at her:

Bane: "And what if they had succeeded [in killing me]?!!"

Zannah: "Then you would have proven weak and didn't deserve the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith."

Bane: "Precisely!!"

One could assume with the Rule of Two Order that "More Sith" and "More Powerful" are one and the same.


Zana didn't win, bane possessed her


Unless you can think of something better than the rule of two. I consider it best idea the Sith came up with.
