Why Did Palpatine Create the Sith RULE OF ONE? #starwars #palpatine #darthsidious #sith #shorts

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Apprentice: So… what’s upward mobility like here?

Sidious: Betrayal.


And this is why he failed. The Rule of Two was created to make the Sith stronger and stronger. To ensure the apprentice would be better than their master, then continue on growing in power.

Darth Sidious screwed it up, resulting in the Sith becoming stagnant, a plateau he stands upon alone. The Empire might have won the war and continued for much longer if he treated Vader as a successor, someone he wanted to be more powerful than him.


It's more akin to openly stating that he knows everybody is out to kill him, and sheds the illusion of mercy and companionship. Everyone's more honest in that regard


Darth Sidious: "I created the rule of one first"
Darth Krayt: "Hold my beer"😂


It makes sense in that selfishness and lust for power were an integral part of connecting with the dark side which was essentially the raping of the force itself… so Sidious just took it to the extreme and purest form of evil by betraying, torturing, and murdering the one who had come to trust and depend on him most.


Yeaaah ! I just created the Rule of One, a rule every sith has to respect ! The rule states that I am the only... the only... sith... Oh... f*ck...


On paper it’s still the Rule of Two, as there’s still two Sith at a time, and his apprentices are led to believe that

But instead of being his students, or those that would one day succeed him, they’re his servants and enforcers of his Empire, with Anakin Skywalker as the ultimate servant

It’s also likely Palpatine plot to transfer to Anakin’s body, once he mastered essence transfer and be invincible in the younger body of the Chosen One

But when he was defeated and was broken into a cyborg, Palpatine was disappointed in Vader as a vessel and kept him as an enforcer of his Empire, while mastering his method to immortality

Then Luke came in, a younger Skywalker with an unblemished body, offering a new chance for Palpatine to have a better vessel, and sought to turn Luke which backfired and resulted in Palpatine losing his original body

In both legends and canon, Palpatine survived in clone bodies that degrade, and it made him seek other vessels

In legends Anakin Solo
In canon Rey, but Also possibly Kylo Ren, but while Ren’s body was unblemished, his spirit was broken with conflict

Palpatine tested which would be a better Vessel and chosen Rey, when that failed he absorbed the Force Dryad life energy to sustain his clone body and return to his prime at his final battle

During then Palpatine had no more official Sith Apprentices, just minions, entrusting only himself as the one true Sith Lord, by then embodying his Rule of One fully


Gotttta wonder how many of the unknown rule of 2 Sith also tried to pull something like this


Makes sense! Glad he got what he deserved in the end… twice though 😂. Man, Sidious was a complete narcissist.


One question: when I see episode I, it reminds me of the Chilean government. Palpatine is the spitting image of the politician out here. In addition, the transition from republic to empire is similar to the coup d'état that gave way to the dictatorship in Chile (if you see Pinochet in the changes of command with his military suit and cape, it is to see Darth Vader). Was George Lucas inspired, at a certain level in the history that Chile lived from the year 73 to the 90's?


Palpatine just got greedy but at the same time he could of been right it was just a constant stream of student kills master


This isnt entirely true. Sidious attempted to hold true to the rule of 2 by training Anakin as his apprentice, but after he became disfigured in Revenge of the Sith his potential became extremely limited compared to what it could have been. At this point, Vader was still by far more powerful than any other apprentice Sidious could find but nobody in the galaxy was powerul enough to succeed Sidious himself. With the rule of 2, the apprentice has to become powerful enough to kill their master and assume their position, the master does not give up their spot willingly. Vader was unable to do this, largely because of his suit and his susceptibility to force lightning. Sidious is quoted in the Clone Wars TV series as to believing in the rule of 2. He also tried to get Luke to kill his father and become his apprentice. And although it is no longer canon, Sidious did attempt to do the same thing to Galen Marek. Should he have been successful at creating a more powerful apprentice, they would have killed Sidious and became Dark Lord of the Sith. His downfall was that he did not live long enough to see this into fruition.


I thought Darth Krayt did the rule of one, palpating just used his apprentices to get more power


Is it philosophy if it never reaches anyone else but yourself? That’s like creating a new religion that only you follow and you don’t tell anyone…


Not to be a dick that was, Darth Krayt who created the Rule of one. Although Palpatine did desire to break the rule of two as he believed Vader was no longer worthy of taking his place


Wasn't his plan for luke to kill him though?


Thats stupid, could mean the end of the sith order if hed happen to get killed


Actually, he didn’t create anything. Darth krayte created the rule of 1. Palpating only wanted the end of the Jedi, and he always had an apprentice stating on many occasions the rule of 2, invoking this rule to claim Maul as a rival.


Yeah but sidious failed so the rule of two and the rule of one doesn't exist anymore and they both failed so now when the sith return again they will have to build a sith army once again and come up with a new doctrine


Ya because a sith will always follow the rules but ya only two, what a joke.
