Why Did The Sith Obey The Rule of Two? - Star Wars Explained

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All throughout Star Wars (the Phantom Menace to Revenge of the Sith and into Return of the Jedi) we have seen only one Sith Master and one Sith Apprentice. Thousands of years ago, the rule of two was created. In this video we will go in depth as to WHY the rule existed and why Sith continued to obey and respect it.

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Music - William Maytook
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Hey my friends!
What did you think about the Rule of 2? Would it have been better if the Sith just grew and grew into a big clan?


Rule of two: Thousands of years of work, about 20 years of payoff

You tell me if thats worth it


Do, “What if Yoda just snorted a line of a coke before duelling every Sith”


Yet they all seem to have multiple “ hidden “ apprentices


“Sith are greedy and wouldn’t work together.”
Okay, makes sense!
“Sith lords should prioritize the survival of their apprentice over themselves.”


The Rule of Two has merit, and a major weakness too. Namely, a Sith lord invests years of his life training an apprentice. If the apprentice challenges for the throne and fails, that process will have to start all over again. The next apprentice is likely to be successful, but not because he became more powerful than a master at the peak of his powers, but because the master is now likely past his prime. And that undercuts the philosophy of each new master being more powerful than the last.


Do "What if Anakin Didn't Hate Sand?"


Now we need a TV show about the Order of the Sith Lords


Rian Johnson and Jar Jar Abrams:
“Wtf is the rule of two???”


As Luke told the Emperor, "Your overconfidence is your weakness." he saw that as strong as Palpatine was there was noone to challenge him. In nature wolves hunt in packs to take down prey to big for one wolf to deal with. He was so confident in his his postion that he didn't see Vader come up behind him. When you remove yourself from the natural order of survival of the fittest long enough you become weak.


Anyone else notice that the picture of plagueis at 2:07 is just an edited picture of Voldemort?


Ren and Snoke aren't Sith, they're fools.


Also, in the first Bane book we learn, that Jedi and the Light side get stronger in numbers, while the dark side shares a Pool and get weaker in numbers. The rule of two means that the two Sith are at peak Power. Doesnt explain why the sith follow that rule, but I think thats an important side Note.


a sith council in a movie would be epic


Bringing back Palpatine (through the opening crawl no less) completely invalidates Anakin’s ark. It was also just lazy writing.


I think a friend of mine put it nicely:

"I think I’ve talked about this before, but–seriously, Darth Bane was quite possibly the worst thing that ever happened to the Sith. Like–weird, demonstrably false zero sum/“dark side as solute” models of how the Force works notwithstanding, he managed to do what the Jedi spent millennia attempting: he removed the Sith as a galactic power. Congrats, buddy, you consigned the Sith to a millennium of being a complete non-factor, destroyed their culture and history, and risked the sad miserable remnant that was left being utterly obliterated and forgotten if both master and apprentice got into a fucking speeder accident!And all the Banite Sith had to show for it was … 20ish years of ruling the galaxy (but not openly–and not even by virtue of Being Sith; Palpatine would’ve won the galaxy whether or not he was Sith, he was just that good at politics) followed by some farmboy blowing it all to hell? Wow. Incroyable."


Huh, this gave me a theory. When you were talking about the Force is more like venom than fire, and how the sith creating an almost Darwin like "the strong shall survive" mentality, what if it's just the sheer amount of force users on the sides of the force that determine how powerful a force user is? Meaning, Vader and Sidious were able to eradicate the Jedi even though eras prior thousands of Sith couldn't do this, because the dark side was "distributed" amongst such a large number of them. This could apply to Luke now, who (supposedly) is the most powerful force user, because all of the Light side is within him instead of thousands of Jedi like in the clone wars. Basically, by having less Dark Side/Light Side users, individuals become more powerful and become the vessel for that form of the Force, making them immensely stronger than a large group. Idk, just a theory...


The sith did accomplish much more during the old republic era. Yes, there was in fighting, but the imperial government and sith council regulated the in fighting so that certain conditions must be met before a sith can overthrow another. I believe it was Revan's intent to destroy both Jedi and sith, and mostly succeeded with the sith.


Revan: Any master who trains multiple apprentices is a fool.
Dooku: Huh. I wonder who that's for.


I'm guessing the inquisitors don't count as Sith.
