You Can Get Poison Ivy From Your Tractor

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Got an e-mail from Gus who has been brush hogging through Poison Ivy and he was wondering what you should do to keep the oil that's likely on the tractor from contacting your skin and causing a rash. That's a real danger.

Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Sumac are all in the same family, and they secrete urusiol oil which, in some people, can cause a rash, or much worse. Those that are really allergic to it can get it over much of their bodies, including eyes and private parts, and it can lead to high fever and difficulty breathing in extreme situations.

The oil that comes from Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Sumac, sticks on almost any surface that the leaves contact. It can get on your clothes, your pets (although they won't be affected) and your tractor and bush hog, and then on you. Gus is wise to be concerned about it.

The oil is easy to get rid of with just water, or rubbing alcohol. If it were me, I'd rinse the tractor and cutter off with a low pressure garden hose, then, if I were really allergic to Poison Ivy, hit it with a power washer, avoiding the splashing water. If I were really concerned, I'd then go over the whole thing with rubbing alcohol.

One place you really want to be careful around Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, or Sumac, is when you're burning debris. If you breather the smoke of burning plants that secret the urusiol oil, you could get it in your lungs and cause severe damage.

If you're wondering if you have any of these plants, Google images of all three, then download an app like PlantNet that can verify their identity by uploading a picture of the leaves. It's never been easier to identify dangerous plants.

I like to leave a lot of native plants for wildlife, bees and insects need wildflowers for food. I make an exception with Poison Ivy. It gets bush hogged on my property.


Copyright 2023 Tractor Mike LLC
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Mike, the Dear Abby of Tractors. Gotta love it.


Thanks for the pollinator plug Mike. We all need to do our part to help them. They have an uphill battle against monoculture, genetically modified crops, and pesticides. All these things are great for productivity, but they definitely come with drawbacks.


That's why I quit kissing my tractor. 😘


That’s a great suggestion regarding wildflowers.


don't forget to clean work jacket, hat and the most forgotten work gloves


Root contact is also a way to get it. If you dig a ditch or work up a garden, you may not see the plant itself but the roots can be present. It doesn't bother me too bad but long pants and long sleeves also helps a bunch if you are around it.


Go Jo or hand cleaner with grit works if used early to get off your skin.

and as an old timer told me: “2-4-D Son” spray early in growing season.


Anyone who has watched Seinfeld, knows you can get gonorrhea from your tractor, be safe out there guys. Suit up.


I used to be extremely allergic to poison ivy and once had a reaction over 85% of my body, including in my eyes, mouth, and down below. I required oral steroids, a prescription foam, and lots of calamine lotion to overcome it. Luckily since I’ve moved to the Ozarks, I have not gotten it during my property maintenance despite there being plenty of it around. On the flip side, my entire family has been getting hives all growing season long that we never experienced on the east coast. I’m putting my money on the prairie sumac that surrounds my property. It’s the only thing that I can really tell is a species that we would not have previously encountered.


Hi, Mike. Very much enjoy your channel. We had a burn pile apparently with poison ivy. My son got into the smoke and broke out all over his body. No respiratory issues, but I’ve never seen such a severe case.


My wife is very suseptible to poison ivy to the point that she had to go to the Dr for a steroid shot, among other things, he mentioned that he had seen one fatality during his practice from poison ivy. The man was "at the deer camp" and started a fire in the wood stove. Said firewood was covered in poison ivy and the cabin filled with smoke and he breathed it and got pnuemonia and died. Also there is a product called "Teknu" and it's available at Walmart and probably Walgreens and CVS and the like. If you come in contact with poison ivy and you can wash the area of contanimation with Teknu you are much less likely to have a break out. Well it works for my wife at least.


I was about 15 years old when my grandmother decided to burn poison ivy. Less than an hour later she was on the way to the emergency room and nearly died. The smock will put life at risk. 50 feet away from the fire.


If burned the oil is also transported through the air.


Soapy water spray then rinse the tractor and impliment.


I used to run through poison plants when i was kid and never had an issue, in my older age im highly allergic to it and my property has it everywhere


When I was a kid I got poison ivy on me pretty bad. But since then I can lay down and roll in it without affecting me. To really clean that tractor I would suggest using a power washer and add a foam cannon on the end and soap it like crazy everywhere. Then on low setting rinse it off.


A pastor several years ago was burning tree limbs mixed with poison ivy. Lungs was infected and he died. Yes it has happened but is not common.


Poison ivy soap will get it off a person. But you got to do it quickly


Wood Poison oak burned and inhaled is dangerous as well


You can power wash your tractor and bush hog. You can also get a couple goats and they will clean up the field.
