What Is Consciousness? | TV-Talk with David Chalmers | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur
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He is a highly decorated Professor of Philosophy and sings in a rock band. He got top marks in his Maths degree and believes that the world is imbued with a soul of sorts. And he believes the question of consciousness is the most difficult problem in philosophy. Barbara Bleisch talks to David Chalmers.
We all have a wonderful film in our heads: A lot of things happen non-stop, there are colours, sounds and even smells and tastes, we can rewind and remember things and forward and plan things. And the best thing about it: we experience the film. But the question is: what does that actually mean? Is the I, who is experiencing the film, part of the film – or outside of it and something entirely different? Is our consciousness ultimately just an effect that's part of an amazing filming device, which we call our brain?
Physicalists do indeed believe that consciousness can be explained from a purely scientific perspective. The Australian philosopher David Chalmers has a different opinion. The question of consciousness remains unsolved in his eyes. Barbara Bleisch talks to one of the most creative philosophers of our times.
👉 David J. Chalmers: The Character of Consciousness (Philosophy of Mind). Oxford University Press, 2010.
👉 David J. Chalmers (ed.): Philosophy of Mind. Classical and Contemporary Readings. Oxford University Press, 2002.
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More of this series:
Sternstunde Philosophie vom 30.06.2019
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Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» pflegt den vertieften und kritischen Ideenaustausch und geht den brennenden Fragen unserer Zeit auf den Grund.
Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» schlägt den grossen Bogen von der gesellschaftspolitischen Aktualität zu den Grundfragen der Philosophie: Wer ist wofür verantwortlich, worin besteht die menschliche Freiheit, was bestimmt unseren Lebenssinn? Zu Gast sind Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft – Stimmen, die zum Denken anregen und unser Zeitgeschehen reflektieren und einordnen.
Social Media Netiquette von SRF:
#SRFKultur #SRFSternstunde #Philosophie #DavidChalmers #Mind #Brain #Consciousness #SRF #Kultur
We all have a wonderful film in our heads: A lot of things happen non-stop, there are colours, sounds and even smells and tastes, we can rewind and remember things and forward and plan things. And the best thing about it: we experience the film. But the question is: what does that actually mean? Is the I, who is experiencing the film, part of the film – or outside of it and something entirely different? Is our consciousness ultimately just an effect that's part of an amazing filming device, which we call our brain?
Physicalists do indeed believe that consciousness can be explained from a purely scientific perspective. The Australian philosopher David Chalmers has a different opinion. The question of consciousness remains unsolved in his eyes. Barbara Bleisch talks to one of the most creative philosophers of our times.
👉 David J. Chalmers: The Character of Consciousness (Philosophy of Mind). Oxford University Press, 2010.
👉 David J. Chalmers (ed.): Philosophy of Mind. Classical and Contemporary Readings. Oxford University Press, 2002.
Deutsche Version:
More of this series:
Sternstunde Philosophie vom 30.06.2019
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SRF Kultur auf Twitter
Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» pflegt den vertieften und kritischen Ideenaustausch und geht den brennenden Fragen unserer Zeit auf den Grund.
Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» schlägt den grossen Bogen von der gesellschaftspolitischen Aktualität zu den Grundfragen der Philosophie: Wer ist wofür verantwortlich, worin besteht die menschliche Freiheit, was bestimmt unseren Lebenssinn? Zu Gast sind Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft – Stimmen, die zum Denken anregen und unser Zeitgeschehen reflektieren und einordnen.
Social Media Netiquette von SRF:
#SRFKultur #SRFSternstunde #Philosophie #DavidChalmers #Mind #Brain #Consciousness #SRF #Kultur