I'm 29 and I wasted my 20s

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learn from my mistakes and do it better, your 20s are great and I want you to make the most out of it. hope you all love this new video, Anna x

Instagram: @growingannanas

🌸 about me 🌸

I'm Anna and right now I'm based in Berlin! here on my channel you'll find videos about healthy food, workouts, fitness, Q&A's, vlogs etc. basically every video should make you feel a little healthier and happier. I have a second YouTube channel, where I share a lot of home workouts (it's called growingannanas).

thanks for stopping by and I hope you love all the videos. big hug x
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omg thank you all so much for the birthday wishes - but I think my intro shot confused everyone 😂❤ it‘s my birthday (it‘s in June), just wanted to visually show that I‘m 29 - but thanks, I really appreciate all of you being so kind 🥹❤️❤️ haha big hug


I turned 41 the day before yesterday, and I understand very well that the only thing that matters is health. We talk about it so much, but we only realize it when we lose it.


I'm a 42-year-old man, and it wasn't until I was 35 that my life changed radically. Before that, I wasted it on daydreaming and social media. I became mentally ill, obese, and lost valuable years. Now I live a contented life, with a dream job, a stable relationship, mental stability, and a wonderful child. No social media, no alcohol, healthy exercise, and regular time off. It's never too late! Never too late to develop yourself. Never too late to set new, realistic goals. Never too late for yourself.


IG should be banned. I’ve been taking trams a lot lately and the sight of people endlessly scrolling their screens is awful. You are beautiful.


If you're feeling anxious or down, just remember—nothing stays the same forever. A small shift in perspective can change everything. One book that really helped me was Shift Your Mind by Alexander Brooks. It opened my eyes to how much power we actually have over our own thoughts. Worth checking out! 🙏✨


I am currently 27, and this video really made me reflect on my life, thanks for sharing. Here are few things I started doing in past few months that made my life significantly better:
1. I cut the need to please everyone. Some people will never be happy, no matter what you do.
2. I read all books on MindBloomery, and made sure to implement all their lessons into my daily routine.
3. I stopped comparing myself to others. It's exhausting and steals the joy from my own journey.
4. I picked up The Joy Equation by Eleanore Blake, and I finally understood that enjoying life and embracing fun is just as important as growth.
5. I cut all toxic relationships out of my life. Peace is much better than forced connection.

The biggest shift? I realized that it's crazy how we can spend years and years chasing something, only to realize it was never the things we really wanted for ourselves.


You have all the time in the world. I turned 30 last year and I feel like life really just started. All these boxes (if those are your aspired goals) are not goals for the 20ies but for the whole life! People put so much pressure on this decade between 20-30, like all the studying, partying, traveling, building a business, working etc should somehow be squeezed in those ten years when we basically just become „real“ adults. We have time. I feel like I wasted my early 20ies and I wish on people in this age bracket to just enjoy their youth and experience life! You’ll be more than alright. Figure out what you like, what you don’t like and gravitate towards your passions professionally and personally. And things will work out.


I don´t think you waisted your 20s. The process you had during those years made you the person you are today: reflective, empowered, confident and able to speak about those struggles and therfore inspire others. So lets thank and appreciate ourselves for all the struggles that brought the person to life, that we are today. We are all beautiful souls <3


You probably don’t remember, but I once met you while you were on a walk and I have to say: you are so humble and kind and beautiful and inspiring. In reality even more than on social media. You are such an amazing person and being kind and inspiring are just the biggest goals of life and you definitely achieved these things. So thanks for being real and just a person full of love ❤️❤️❤️


One common denominator is this: the use of social media. Without it, most of us would not have the issues depicted in this video. I highly advise people to make a real effort in understanding the world they are living in. The way social media has been created is simply and only for our destructions: we waste our times on it and we compare ourselves without realising it. In the meantime, governments and big corporates can do whatever they want of us as we are too busy on our phones and caring for things that do not matter, while they are passing laws we disagree with, using money to create wars, pushing agendas and a way of life that suit THEIR needs and advertising products we don't need. On top of that, people lost social skills and good manners. I stopped all social media (included for my personal training business) and only use WhatsApp, YouTube (personal use) and word of mouth + business cards for my business. I have never felt that happier in my life and yes, without social media, your business can thrive. 🌷


I honestly love these kind of videos. Unfiltered. Real. I'm so reliefed to hear that you can still feel like a kid when you're almost 30 (0:45). You don't need to rush things. Don't push yourself too hard. Everything will happen eventually. I think this might be my favorite video of yours.

Fühl' dich gedrückt, Anna 💕


I am 24 and i saw this video on my page. It made me wonder what people think about this topic. After watching your video and reading most of the comments, i realized that many people in their 20s go through the same struggles and i am experiencing them too. Your experiences are really helping me make a change. Thank you all! (I'm writing this comment so that when i see it years later, i can see whether things have changed or not)


It's a little scary how few girls know about the book Divine Super Diva by Adeline Mordy. Girls, you have no idea what you're missing out on, and it's honestly criminal how much this book is being hidden. All creators who know about this book should be ashamed by this


Hi Anna! I’m turning 20 in half a year, and today, I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety about the unknown future—something that has happened to me many times before. Then, I saw your video on my homepage and decided to watch it. I couldn’t stop my tears while watching. Now, I feel so much more relieved and safe inside. Thank you for sharing so much love and energy! 🥹❤❤ Your 20s are not wasted—I truly believe you’ve made a huge difference in the world!


Thank you so much Anna 💙 25 turning 26 soon and i have been so stressed about not getting my life together. Glad you shared your experience for others to self respect and to just persevere in our own journeys as opposed to fitting in the societal mould. You are a wonderful person and just earned yourself a loyal subscriber :)


I’m also 29 and I’ve been reflecting on my 20s. What a decade! Grateful I’ve been able to experience it and I hope to take all the lessons with me and apply them in my 30’s.


This is so relatable, I'm 28 and my friends and I are on really different places so comparing ourselves makes it really hard, thanks for this reminder to be ourselves and enjoy the moment (:


I turned 29 on 13th March. Trust me if I say Life will change the moment you start not comparing, competing and worrying.


I turn 40 next year. The last 13 years I have had serious health issues and financial struggles. I live a life of survival. Thank God for what you have. Count your blessings even when life seems to be going nowhere. 🙏 I will pray for you.


I am 17 and lost in everything
And i saw myself in this content
Now i am gonna change and take control😢
