How Meningitis Spreads | WebMD

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Take a fascinating look into what meningitis does to your brain and how it spreads.

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My 16 year old innocent cousin, this thing took him away 6 months ago. Everything happened so fast we were clueless. My heart aches for him every single day.


I survived it when I was somewhere between 6 to 7 year old. At that time i had high fever and after some days my neck automatically moving without my permission.
But thank God now I'm totally fine as a common Person.
Doctors and nurses are amazing who treated me at that point of particular time.


Today is 10/25/2023. I found out my baby sister who is currently 15 years old is diagnosed with this. Im here today to understand this sickness to understand what is happening to her right now. I hope i can come back to this post in the future and say that she survived it. As of right now she is currently fighting for her life. 😢


How do you prevent this? My heart and prayers goes for anyone affected by this.


My uncle passed away from it last night. :( he was passed out and unconscious for a whole day before anyone knew he was unconscious . Due to that he is no longer here :(


My mom is right now suffering from it. Pls pray for her. She was in a car accident with serious head injury. But she recovered in 1 month we were so happy, but suddenly she got stroke from meningitis. Her head is swollen now and she’s barely conscious. Doctors are doing straight injections to her brain now. Has anyone experienced this?


Just recently learned that this is what caused my 4 or 5 seizures back in 2004. The doctors only told me it was the flu that spiked my fever, but it was meningitis.


When I was in 8th grade a girl in my class died from this
The previous day she was perfectly fine at school, the next I was at her funeral, i was irrationally scared of meningitis for years after this


Gladly I survived this kind of disease .I'm now 17 years old and only suffer from paralysis.


My love my life who is suffering from this please pray for him


I survived this back when I was 13 without knowing it is a deadly disease. Damn..


Last year 12/2/23 I was admitted to the hospital because my family found me in my room with vomit everywhere at 3am. I have no memory of first 24 hours being in the hospital or actually going but my parents indicated I was weak, not myself or making sense, delusional. In the emergency, they had to do a lumbar puncture and the had impressions that I had meningitis, possible syphilis, possible encephalitis. They had to sedate me because I wasn't fighting the nurses and doctors. I spiked with fever and had to cool me down. A day later, I had came to and was lethargic, and could barely remember bits and pieces of the whole ordeal. They told me I had viral meningitis, possible encephalitis. Eventually they tested for a million different things: HIV, covid, syphilis, west Nile, my heart, MRI, CT scan. They test that went out all came back negative for everything. To this day they don't know what I had specifically. But the infectious disease doctor that saw me believed it was viral meningitis since I had the symptoms. Nausea, vertigo, dizzy, migraines, chest pains, face pressure, back pain, neck soreness, sensitivity to light, crossed eyed vision. It was even hard to walk, I was not that coordinated and got dizzy and nauseous even with an opioid pain medicine and three antibiotics. I don't remember the names of those antibiotics but those were ones to treat viral meningitis. I got better slowly and doing much better now. It really is a not a fun experience. Because it hit me with just a headache and several hours later I was in the er, so just remember it can happen to anyone without warning.


Am grateful to God for healing me from this deadly disease that hit me badly.i collapsed at work then taken to a hospital in an ambulance only to wake up in an hospital bed after 3 months.little did I know I was in ICU then went in a coma.i couldn't be able to walk and had to use a wheelchair.its a miracle that I survived being in the hospital during COVID-19 pandemic and I now move around freely even if I was left with a left side stroke.i really thank God 🙏


my 5 year old boy died from it.
at first he had seizure, we thought he's only sleep awake. we never thought it was a seizure already. then he started to became pale and we rushed him to the hospital. there every 6 hours he is having a seizure. (counting 1 to 10 while blank staring at the ceiling) after 3 days he was in coma. until 5 days he died.

doctor said that the infection got in the brain already.


My dad had bacterial meningitis and he survived it with a 20% chance of survival


my best friend is undergoing surgery with Bacterial Meningitis and things aren't looking too good. Please, if anyone has any advice, please reply.


I survived this last year and I’m 14 I had to be taken into an ambulance but while in it we hit a bump and I hit my head of something and I passed out I woke in a room after 4 days I was discharged from hospital after that I recovered and I got the vaccine


Pleased to say i survived this however I suffer everyday because of meningitis. I pray for everyone effected by the terrible condition


I had this last October, worst headache of my life and ive never had such a stiff neck. Im soo glad its all overwith. Definitely some of the worst pain ive ever felt


I had it in 1986. Bacterial meningitis. I survived it
