Arul Lakshminarayan: Dual Unitary Circuits as Models of Many-Body Quantum Chaos

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Title: Dual Unitary Circuits as Models of Many-Body Quantum Chaos
Abstract: Dual-unitary circuits are being studied as models of many-body quantum systems that can span a range of dynamical features. We discuss how a quantum ergodic hierarchy can be identified in such systems wherein the peak is occupied by quantum Bernoulli like systems constructed of perfect tensors. The talk will also discuss algorithms to construct dual-unitary and multi-unitary or perfect tensors.
Abstract: Dual-unitary circuits are being studied as models of many-body quantum systems that can span a range of dynamical features. We discuss how a quantum ergodic hierarchy can be identified in such systems wherein the peak is occupied by quantum Bernoulli like systems constructed of perfect tensors. The talk will also discuss algorithms to construct dual-unitary and multi-unitary or perfect tensors.