36 entangled officers of Euler: A quantum solution to a classically... by Arul Lakshminarayan

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Colloquium: 36 entangled officers of Euler: A quantum solution to a classically impossible problem
Speaker: Arul Lakshminarayan (IIT Madras, Chennai)
Date: Mon, 06 June 2022, 15:30 to 17:00
Venue: Online and Madhava Lecture Hall
The 36 officers problem of Euler is a well-known impossible classical combinatorial puzzle and involves orthogonal Latin squares akin to the popular game of Sudoku. I will discuss the history around this and show how a natural quantum construction of orthogonal Latin squares leads to solutions that are classically impossible. The solutions lead to constructions of so-called absolutely maximally entangled states that are of relevance to quantum information and many-body physics.
Speaker: Arul Lakshminarayan (IIT Madras, Chennai)
Date: Mon, 06 June 2022, 15:30 to 17:00
Venue: Online and Madhava Lecture Hall
The 36 officers problem of Euler is a well-known impossible classical combinatorial puzzle and involves orthogonal Latin squares akin to the popular game of Sudoku. I will discuss the history around this and show how a natural quantum construction of orthogonal Latin squares leads to solutions that are classically impossible. The solutions lead to constructions of so-called absolutely maximally entangled states that are of relevance to quantum information and many-body physics.