Quantum chaos, random matrices and statistical physics (Lecture 04) by Arul Lakshminarayan

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ORGANIZERS: Abhishek Dhar and Sanjib Sabhapandit

DATE: 27 June 2018 to 13 July 2018

VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore

This advanced level school is the ninth in the series.

This is a pedagogical school, aimed at bridging the gap between masters-level courses and topics in statistical physics at the frontline of current research. It is intended for Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows and interested faculty members at the college and university level. The following courses will be offered.​

Preparatory​ lecturers by Abhishek​ Dhar​ ​(ICTS) and​ Sanjib​ Sabhapandit (RRI)
Stochastic​ density​ functional​ theory​ for​ interacting​ Brownian​ particles by David​ ​Dean​ (Bordeaux,​ France)
Mechanics​ of​ wrinkling,​ folding,​ and​ crumpling by Narayanan​ ​Menon​ (UMASS,​ USA)
Network Dynamics by Sandeep Krishna (NCBS) and Shashi Thutupalli (NCBS-ICTS)
Quantum​ computation by Peter​ ​Young​ (UCSC,​ USA)
Quantum​ chaos,​ random​ matrices​ and​ statistical​ physics by Arul​ ​Lakshminarayan​ (IIT​ Madras,​ Chennai)
Interacting​ particle​ systems by Anupam​​ Kundu​ (ICTS,​ Bangalore)

0:00:00 Bangalore School Statistical Physics - IX
0:00:10 Quantum chaos, random matrices and statistical physics (Lecture - 04)
0:00:35 Simple model of Quantum Chaos / Quantum maps
0:02:58 1.5 Degree of freedom
0:06:02 Standard Map
0:08:23 Diffusion in Momentum
0:27:02 Angular Momentum
0:30:58 Observations
0:38:42 Quantum Maps: Generalities
0:45:57 Quantum States
0:50:12 Example
0:57:17 Quantum Mechanics
0:57:55 Calculate the Eigen Functions
1:05:08 2.4 Eigenvalues and quantum chaos
1:09:16 Quantum chaos, RMT and statistical physics
1:12:25 Chapter 2: Hamiltonian Chaos Quantum Mechanics
1:13:08 Figure 2.9: Energy vs magnetic field for the H atom.
1:13:59 Figure 10: The spectral staircase function when the potential is simply x2 y2. From Tonsovic. J. Phys. A.1991
1:20:53 Figure 2.11: Refers to the Hamiltonian in Eq. (1.36) and to Fig. (1.3.2)
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