'What should I play on guitar when someone asks to hear me play?'

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Ever have someone say to you, "hey, play something on guitar" - and then totally freeze and forget everything you know? Well it happens to all of us. This video is designed to give you a few tips for what to do in that situation.

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Brian is a national treasure. This is one of the most practical lessons of all time.


Having played guitar for over 40 years, and been in this situation many times, I believe this is some of the best advice you'll ever get.


Not to mention the guitar they hand you is usually has a warped neck, 10 year old strings and bad tuning machines.


When my youngest was in kindergarten I had just started to learn guitar. A number of the parents of her class were professional musicians (specialising in kids entertainment too) and had come in to play for the kids. My daughter was so keen for me to come and play that I found it hard to resist. At the time I could play a few songs in the 1, 4 5 style and could sing them to myself but was terrified of singing in public.
I shuffled around a bit but eventually came up with a plan to cover my lack of skill. I played a few chords while the kids danced around and then would stop quickly and they had to immediately freeze. It was a hit. The game lasted about 20 minutes and my daughter was thrilled. I was just relieved.I've improved a lot since then but I think if asked to play publicly on my own I'd be the one freezing.
Thanks for the advice.


I've started playing My Sweet Lord for like 20 minutes. People either shave their heads and join the temple or never ask again


This lesson alone is worth the price of a membership to Active Melody.


Another point to this is that we, as musicians, need to stop being so hard on ourselves and realize that most non-music folk will be perfectly content with hearing simplicity if they want to see you play. They are not going to judge you on your technique or tell you that you're not playing fast enough or not doing enough crazy inversion chords. If you come across a snobby musician, maybe that will happen, but what does it matter what they think anyway? As long as it's something that sounds nice they will be happy. Thanks for another great video


Thank you! Between you, Steve Stine, Stitch Method, and my 1962 paper wheel Nick Manoloffs moder accompaniment guide, Mel Bay folk song book, I may have finally got to where I may learn to play before body parts are used elsewhere. Always appreciate soft sell. I think I’ll buy something from you and Stine already did with stitch, for my 69th birthday this week.


When that used to happen to me, I would say "I'll play if you sing". Took the pressure off a bit as people suddenly feel the pressure is on them, which makes it easier to relax into the playing. Also, if you're not experienced, just know Beatles songs to strum.


I’m a professional “ noodler “ but I’ve learned to play just a few semi easy songs really really good...for the times I’ve been asked to play a song ...then I go back to....noodling 😎🎸


Other than Brian's awesome advice here, Active Melody lessons and Microlessons are a perfect solution for that! Many of them are short and sweet and most likely you'll get "hey, that sounds good, what is it?" reaction. I did every single time.


Thank you for this video ! I'm a pretty decent guitarist when nobody's listening:) Just knowing that this happens to other guitarists too, is all I needed to hear. I'll press on & push through now. I'll find the guts to do a gig finally. Thanks all.


Brilliant stuff, I love your laid back style! Years ago I went to a music store to try out a guitar n the store guy sat with me, which I didn’t want to happen. Even though I’ve played for years I’m not very good n hate playing in front of anyone, even my wife! So I tried to rattle off my best stuff before almost apologising to the store guy for not being very he just said, “hey, you’re better than me n I work in a music store!” That was a nice boost!


I used to be in this situation 9 out of 10 times untll I learn your lesson EP225.Now I play that lesson whenever people ask me to play and I am an instant hero.I am a premier member of active melody in another account and that's the best money I have spent on guitar lesson till date.Brian is a hermit who plays amazing guitar and the best teacher u can ever get.Namaste and stay safe.


My response to that scenario is to play a song to which people like to sing along. A great example is Wish You Were Here. The intro with the little solo isn't difficult but it impresses, and then it's easy open chords and people will inherently start singing along because everyone knows the words. That takes all the pressure off instantly and turns it into a fun group moment rather than just a single spotlight on me, the guitar player.


This is my goal, I've learned 4-5 of your acoustic lessons in the last 6 months, but still struggling with improv. You are my inspiration thank you Brian


You nail it man! This is exactly what I’m learning blues right now. I spent years on classical finger style and technical things that always freeze up on me when ‘performing’ like this... but a I-IV-V blues with some lead lines really resonates with pretty much everyone.


I must've learned at least a thousand songs during my lifetime and EVERY TIME I'm in that situation, I can't remember ONE OF THEM! It's insane! Thank goodness I'm not the only one! Once I choke out the first one, though, it opens the floodgate!


Love this. I have experienced this feeling of stone fingers and memory lock so many times!


Thanks a lot Brian! This is the exact thing that happened to me with exactly the same events. This happened when I went to my friend's birthday party. I knew a few fingerstyle songs and I could play them all perfectly but all those songs required capo and they didn't have one, so I got stuck and I didn't know what to play. I was very disappointed with my performance. After coming home, the first thing I did was I searched this topic and BOOM! You came as a savior and it was almost as if you saw what happened with me. Thankyou so much for your beautiful piece of advice and awesome lesson. This lesson is very helpful. Keep doing the good work.
