Levels of Intelligibility: Neoplatonism and 4E Cognitive Science

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Note : I mistakenly say "prokaryotic cell" when I meant to say "eukaryotic". I apologize for this error.

This talk was given at Ralston College which offers and amazing MA program in the humanities. I was there addressing their theme for that year: the nature of the self.

This video is part of an extensive collaboration on neoplatonism.

Links to other videos in the collaboration:

Filip Holm @LetsTalkReligion : What is Neoplatonism? (followed by Neoplatonism and Islam):

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I had the IMMENSE pleasure of attending this lecture in person. What a thrill it is to see it here as part of a collaboration with some of my favorite channels!! Thank you John for your incredible heart and dedication to the good. May your words find fertile soil all over the world.


To anyone reading this, I've done John's course on Awakening from the meaning crisis, and I cannot reccomend it enough. No matter who you are, you will benefit from the course. I encourage you to enrich your life ❤️


My first year college philosophy professor said if I believed in spirits or spiritual realities that indicated mental illness and he'd recommend being put in a mental institute. The other philosophy professors at college agreed with him so I stopped going to class, just took the tests, and started going to the gym instead. It was heartbreaking. So...nice to know there's folks like you out there...great video!!! Happy New Year.


It was great collaborating with you, John! Ad maiora semper. 🙂


Thank you John for this exquisite lecture. You not only talk but show and exemplify the way. It's a delight and a pleasure to be working alongside you. Your student and friend, Zevi


Brilliant and revelatory. Vervaeke is one of the great minds of our time but equally important, one of the great hearts. Thank you, Professor for walking the talk and having your life be for the possibility of humanity cultivating Wisdom. <3


From The One, The Many.

From The Many, to The One.

It reminds me of breathing.

Cyclical, closed, perpetual.

This is a profoundly enlightening lecture. Simultaneously satisfying my desire for deep thoughts/revelations while increasing my appetite for reaching even greater depths of awareness in Self and of Others.

Thank you and to all who helped make this content available for us all. Such a blessed time we live in, despite how chaotic it may be.


John, you outrageous f***ing Magus! A thousand rattles and shamanic chants in your honor. Thank you for keeping the roads to the Sacred Fire open. Philosophy. Art. Science. The Sacred Triumvirate.


That was the most profound lecture I've ever experienced. Thanks, John. My hope for humanity is that more of us will start to question the current collective psychological paradigm and gravitate to holy and generative perspectives and metaperspectives like these and feel a call to 'participate' in a more meaningful way


Can’t describe how happy I am that you collaborated with this group. For those of us who are not new to these ideas it’s so great to have this perspective presented. Thanks!


Recently my twenty year old son expressed an interest in philosophy. I am very happy to have been able to direct him to this lecture.


John, I've been following you for the past two years and I can safely say that you, along with Iain McGilchrist, are the most important thinker of this day and age. No matter how much I listen to you, every single discussion or lecture proves to be informative, novel and thought-provoking. You are truly one of the most insightful human beings I've ever come across. Thank you very much for your work, it's really mind-blowing ❤❤


Absolutely loving how all of this has been unfolding over the past few years and very excited to see all participants coming together to expound upon and expand unto both a re-understanding of dialogos and how to effectively re-implement this into practice.


This has been such an incredible collaboration amongst wonderful free-thinkers. Y'all are doing Plato's (and Plotinus') work.


For me, this was a wonderful refresher and sprucing up of some major themes of your work, as I don't have the greatest memory. I also really appreciated the questions. Feeling the Beauty!


Possibly the most important video I've watched this year, which is saying something because it is now December 31st. I'm going to have to go back and take notes!


This might be a blasphemy but it seems like this was a summary of the awakening from the meaning crysis series. I find it absolutely astonishing how you managed to introduce and talk about so many monstrous (complex) concepts and still kept it coherent while also introducing the concepts in an easy to digest way. This was a hell of a ride. Thank you for this and thank you for everything John ♥️ I found it (and you) strikingly beautiful ♥️


This is SOOO good. I decided to watch in 3 separate sittings. There's too much here for me to take in all at one time. I'm so grateful that you made this video to share your knowledge and insight with others like me. Thank you, John.


Beautiful lecture! Densely packed and informative. Put together a lot of things for me. I finally realized the distinction between Kantian view and the neo-platonic view.


Brilliant - both in the sense of ingenious and en-light-ening. I'm really glad you did this.
