The Ancient Neo-Platonist Attack on Gnosticism - Plotinus Against the Gnostics

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While the attack on Gnosticism by the early church is well known, it is less appreciated that the pagan founder of Neo-Platonism Plotinus led a frontal assault on the gnostics in his famed Enneads as well. What were the philosophical, cosmological and moral objections Plotinus held against Gnosticism? In this episode, I explore a purely pagan set of criticisms to gnosticism. This episode is also a huge Neo-Platonism collaboration - check out the other episodes!

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Recommended Reading:
Burns - Apocalypse of the Alien God: Platonism and the Exile of Sethian Gnosticism - 978-0812245790
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Such a fantastic and important video! There is a tendency to view all ancient "paganism" as basically the same, but this shows the internal diversity between a lot of schools of thought in a way that is much needed. Happy to be part of this project!


This was so interesting, friend! I'm so grateful we have your educational content here on YouTube! 🥰


What a superb episode Dr. Sledge. This one felt personal ;) It’s a real honour to be creating content alongside you and the rest of the wonderful gang. Glad to be giving Neoplatonism its proper place in intellectual history.


Gnostics: the material world is tainted, corrupt and the source of suffering. We have to trascend it despite it.
Neo-Platonists: The material world is a reflection of the One, and beautiful though imperfect. We have to trascend it through it.
Mahayana Buddhists that accept both Sutra and Tantra: Why not both?


"If you want aeons, they got aeons. They got aeons for days around here" 😂 That cracked me up!


Thanks for the explanation. I have some gnostic friends who say there is no difference between Neoplatonism and Gnosticism, which simply isn't true. They don't understand the force behind Plotinus' criticism. In spite of the imperfection of matter which is almost non-existent absent form, with some exceptions the Greek philosophers in general had an optimistic view of the universe. Reality is ordered in a hierarchy, and it all emanates from the the One, the Good, from absolute perfection in order of grades to what is less perfect; it was not a dualism between pure good and pure evil. That difference in metaphysics and attitude toward matter is what persuaded me to Neoplatonism. Great channel!


Does anyone ever notice the similarities of Puritanism and Gnosticism? A view of the world as evil, a specific class of individuals destined for salvation, etc, its pretty interesting


"If you want Aeons, they got Aeons. They got Aeons for days around here." ~ Dr. Sledge


I’m a scholar of modern English language literature, and these close readings and explorations of foundational written texts give such great context for reading modern texts and exegeses thereof. Thank you again for sharing, Dr Sledge!


It is very gratifying to see highly intelligent, erudite and articulate commentaries upon esoteric, Hermetic and occult topics here on YouTube. Hopefully, this will serve as some counterbalance to the dumbing down or outright denigration of these subjects, which is so rife across all media .


This is where I come when I need a break from the hectic pace of my life. Always interesting, intelligent and thought provoking. It takes me far away from my day to day routine and into the realm of historical figures, magic, religion and the arcane. Each episode is a feast for the intellect. Topped off with a smattering of dry humour from the good doctor himself.
Thank You Dr. Sledge!
Happy New Year.


Yes! I've long been hoping for something that would trace the influence of Plotinus and Neo-Platonism through Western/Abrahamic Esotericism & Mysticism!! This is fantastic!


Thanks for addressing the demiurge and archons which are hot new topics for people to discuss incorrectly in metaphysical/paranormal spaces nowadays.


Dude I literally just picked up a copy of the apocryphon of John. Well, that and like 15 or so other texts but still. Thank you for giving us a starting point as to where to research. Love your channel. You’re a gem of the community


Got the whole gang on this. Already watched Philips episode on the subject. Going to check out Angela's show now. Love you guys.


0:01 Introduction
3:28 Gnostics
11:23 Plotinus’ critique
12:30 Metaphysical arguments
16:00 Cosmological arguments
19:52 Ethical arguments
26:26 Conclusion
28:15 References


I've always kinda wondered what Christianity would be like if Gnostic beliefs continued to be influential and if Gnosticism cohered into a distinct sect the way that the proto orthodox christians did.

Now that I've heard out Plotinus's critiques, (or a heavily condensed version of them, to be more accurate, ) it's starting to make more sense to me why Gnosticism didn't last very long. "The entire world sucks actually" isn't exactly the type of idea that it's easy to build a long term, sustained religion around. To me it seems like this idea would be more likely to inspire cynicism than faith and community.

The nerd in me still wishes that it happened though because I want to hear more of what the Gnostics philosophical beliefs were from them instead of Polemics written against them.


So good to have you to share the last Friday of 2022, with!
Thk you Doc for all the explained Ism's along the way!
May you have a blessed and prosperous 2023!🎊🌟💜


I think it’s fascinating the way the cultures and deep spiritual thought and metaphysics and stuff all came together in Alexandria. I’ve always been so fascinated with it and Platanus and Neoplatonism especially. I’ve probably read and reread The Enneads
like a dozen times or more
