Is the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament Jesus?

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Before Abraham was Born, I AM

Yeshua is the Angel of the Lord


Thank you always for your short but in-depth biblical answers. God bless you.


One thing I thought about… And I wonder if it is true. That when Jesus ascended to the father after the resurrection, he also ascended outside of time, space, and matter. Therefore he presented himself to mankind before being officially born.


"Bottom line, these are appearances of Christ". Ok, but why? Horton has some great verses to share from the OT, but he didn't show the connection to Christ from those stories; he just concluded that way.


Acts 23:11 And the NIGHT following the Lord (Jesus) stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.
Act 27:23 For there stood by me this NIGHT the ANGEL OF GOD, whose I am, and whom I serve,

QUESTION: Who is the Angel that stood in the night, that Paul serve ?

1Ti 1:12 I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength for my work. I thank him for considering me worthy and appointing me to serve him, (GNB)

Gal 4:14 And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected; but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.


This falls flat - "Now after they had left, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up, take the child and His mother, and escape to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy Him" (Matthew 2:13)"

and no it does not state Gabriel.

When Herod died, the angel of the LORD suddenly appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, "Get up, take the child and His mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who were seeking the child's life are dead" (Matthew 2:19, 20).

Suddenly the angel of the LORD appeared and a light shone in the cell. He touched Peter on the side and woke him, saying, "Get up quickly." And the chains fell off his hands (Acts 12:7).

And immediately, because he had not given the glory to God, the angel of the LORD struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died (Acts 12:23).

Exegesis failed.


The New Testament never mentions The angel of the Lord because Jesus is now incarnate.


The angel who became Jesus could have appeared in the OT accounts. Paul however, tells us that this angel was used by God as a spokesperson in the first Century. Hebrews 1:2.


Please explain the angel of the Lord in Matthew 28:2. Is this Jesus rolling back the stone from His own grave? From Matthew 28:3-7 the angel of the Lord speaks concerning Jesus' where about an the like...Please explain. Thanks.


The angel of the Lord spoke from the burning bush (GOD)


A key example of how the Hebrew Scriptures express the multiple persons of the God of Israel is the figure of “the Angel of the Lord” in the Torah. In the text of the Old Testament, this figure is identified as Yahweh, the God of Israel, and yet acts as a Second Person who interacts with both Yahweh and humans. The first such encounter took place in the initial meeting between Moses and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, when God revealed His name to Moses. Exodus 3:2 indicates that the “Angel of the Lord” appeared to him in a flame burning within a bush. But in verse 4, when Moses approached, it was “God” who called to him from the midst of the bush. Upon hearing this call, Moses covered his face because he was afraid of seeing God (v. 6). The reference to “the Angel of the Lord” in verse 2 distinguishes this Person from that of Yahweh through the use of Hebrew grammar, but in the subsequent interaction, the Angel identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In this encounter between Moses and God, the Angel is both identified as Yahweh and distinguished from another Person who is Yahweh.
A more complex interaction occurs when God appeared to Gideon in Judges 6. In verse 11, the Angel of the Lord sat under an oak tree and called to Gideon, who was working on the threshing floor, to tell him that the God of Israel is with him. Gideon was skeptical, given the oppression the people of Israel in Canaan were currently fac- ing from Midianites—a sure sign that God had forgotten them. In response, “Yahweh” turned to him and spoke (v. 14). As with Moses’ encounter with the burning bush, the God of Israel identified Him- self as Gideon’s interlocutor. At first glance, it seems the Angel of the Lord is Yahweh Himself.
However, the matter was not that clear cut, at least not for Gideon, who apparently perceived his guest to be a human prophet or mes- senger, evidenced by his offer of hospitality. Once food was brought out, the Angel of the Lord told him to set it on a rock, at which point He touched it with His staff, and it was consumed by fire as a sac- rifice (vv. 20–21). Finally, the Angel of the Lord disappeared. It was only then that Gideon realized to whom he had been speaking and was afraid, since he had seen the Angel of the Lord face to face. In verse 23, Yahweh responded to this concern: although the Angel had departed, Yahweh was still there.
Possibly the most significant appearance of the Angel of the Lord, however, occurs during the Exodus of Israel into the wilderness. In Exodus 23:20, God told Moses He was sending an Angel before Israel to guard them and lead them into the Land of Promise. Israel, so Moses is warned, must listen to this Angel and not rebel, because God was placing His Name in Him. This “Name” is itself an Old Testament expression of the Person of the God of Israel. For example, the temple in Jerusalem is described as the place in which God will place His Name. Thus what God is trying to communicate to Moses is that Israel must obey this Angel because the Presence of God is within Him. If they fol- low the Angel’s commands, their enemies will be God’s enemies (v. 23). Incidentally, this language would later form much of the basis of St. John’s Christology. In his Gospel, he repeatedly characterizes God the Father as being “in” Christ (see John 14:11, 20; 17:23). Saint John’s purpose in doing so, similar to that of the Angel of the Lord in Exodus, is to remind us that to hear and obey Christ is to know the Father; to rebel against what Christ says is to be at enmity with Him (see John 8:19; 10:22–39; 14:7).
This reference to the Angel of the Lord in Exodus is not an anomaly. Throughout God’s covenant with Israel, He identified Himself as the One who brought them out of the land of Egypt (Ex. 20:2; Lev. 11:45; Deut. 5:6). After Israel’s sojourn ended and the conquest of Canaan was complete, however, in Judges 2:1, the Angel of the Lord said, “I brought you up from Egypt and brought you to the land that I had promised to your fathers.” The Angel then revealed that because Israel disobeyed Him, He was now departing and would no longer fight for them against their enemies. When the Angel explained this to the Isra- elites, they wept bitterly in response (v. 4). That the Angel both con- veyed this message to the Israelites and traveled from Gilgal to Bokim reveal that He was a Person who had been physically present with and accompanied Israel throughout the preceding forty-plus years.
This appearance of the Angel of the Lord demonstrates that even the earliest traditions of the Old Testament reveal a second hypos- tasis of the God of Israel, who both is Israel’s God and is Himself a Second Person of Yahweh. When this is taken into account, many New Testament passages considered allegory or reinterpretations of the previous revelation can be seen to be quite literal. The New Testament authors identify this Person as the One who became incarnate as Jesus Christ. It was in this spirit St. Paul believed the Angel of the Lord had been with Israel in the wilderness and that Israel’s God had stood on the rock before Moses struck it to produce water (Ex. 17:6). Thus he could proclaim that the rock that followed Israel in the wilderness “was Christ” (1 Cor. 10:3–4). Likewise, Jude, in the earliest and most reliable manuscripts of his epistle, could simply say that Jesus “saved a people out of Egypt” and afterward “destroyed those who did not believe” (1:5).


Hebrews1:5 to which of the angels did God EVER say you are my son.
Acts12:7 The angel of the Lord frees Peter from prison.
If you can prove Jesus is this angel you might have something but I think you’ve been studying with the JW‘s!
God manifested himself in many ways in the Old Testament but in this last days he manifested himself in the Son . Hebrews1:2
The word became flesh


Jesus says in the bible " No one has seen the Father except the son". This definitely means Adam did not see the Father neither did Abraham at the mamre tree nor did Moses ( he saw the back whilst being tucked away in the cleft of the rock - see Exodus 33). We cannot say " it was God Himself" when talking about any physical interaction between any heavenly being and a human being.


Seriously ? Yahweh's angel is Yahweh? Yahweh's messenger is really Yahweh himself? What about passages where The Angel of the Lord converses with Yahweh. ? What about Mat 2 :13 where the angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph or verses 19&20. If the baby Jesus is the angel/God incarnate then who is this angel of the Lord?

Solution : Learn about the Law of Agency.

God communicates by means of his angels and under the law of agency, the words of the agent are viewed as the words of the sender.


And in the LXX the Angel of God has a broadsword and the Angel of the Lord has a smaller, type of short sword. Sweet....


In Gen 18.3 Abraham calls the 3rd entiy that is never called an angel the 'ădônây which is reserved for the NAME OF GOD...
We know that name revealed as Jesus Christ. ...

For me, this alone is the clinch pin. ABRAHAM, THE FATHER OF THE FAITH CALLS WHOM HE SAW BY GOD'S NAME! If this isn't Jesus then it is proof that there is more than ONE GOD!

Jesus Christ and the 'ădônây GOD THAT Abraham worshipped!


A manifestation does not equal an incarnation. So I say yes; the angel, YHWH, Adonai = Father, Son and Spirit. Sweet....


He Is Malah Adonai meaning Lord Messinger not Messinger of the Lord ❤


Jesus is not eternal son but Everlasting Father..Isaiah 9:6🙏


Matthew 28:1-4 “angel of the Lord “
Appearance described and earthquakes and descending from Heaven
Is this not the Christ?
