Cost of living in the Netherlands 2024

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Sharing the cost of living in the Netherlands in 2024! I moved to the Netherlands from the United States 4 years ago and the prices of things like rent, groceries, utilities, etc. have really changed. I provide a breakdown of what you can expect when you move to the Netherlands in this video.

I like to share my experiences of an American expat in the Netherlands. I describe both the unique and everyday aspects of Dutch culture, and life in Holland while enjoying every bit of it!

Instagram: DutchAmericano

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No rental agency is renting you a 1300 euro apartment if you are only making 2900 euro.You need to make like 3/3, 5 times the rent after taxes. So with a net income of 2900 at most you can rent something like 1000 euro. And other than woningbouw there is barely anything available for that price.


I am dutch and live in Australia, the house prices rental or buying is out of control, grocery prices are ridiculous, it's the same all over the world..


The 7 euro's a day isn't realistic. I don't know where they get that number. But I personally couldn't do it. And then I don't even buy really expensive things.


Hello Ava! I'm a teen in the US that's recently gotten very fixated on the idea of moving to the Netherlands when I'm older, and I just wanna say thank you so much for posting these videos!! They're really helping me see what it's like there.


Thanks for your fun videos. one tip you may want to check if it is possible to set the white balance of your camera to one setting. Now the clouds passing outside cause the camera to automatically change the white balance setting resulting in a color changing of your videos.


In the Netherlands is a big shortage of social housing for affordable prices. And we are overpopulated. Groceries and food are usually the closing item in expenses after all your fixed charges are paid for. If you do not have a large income, you have to really cut down on these expenses. It is possible, but then you cannot eat what you want anymore. I could live with 7 euro's a day for food, but it would not be easy, I usually spend a little more money on food.


You would expect that AVA knows better after living in the Netherlands for some years. No way someone can live on 7 euro a day on groceries. And it is close to impossible to get ANY place unless you pay through the nose. Waiting lists for social renting are mostly way over 10 years.


Hi, tnx for the recap. The "Trash Tax" is not really a tax: is the cost for a service provided by, more and more privatized, collecting compagnies. What you are not taking intto account are "Town Tax" (quite exspensive in A'dam i believe?) and "Waterschapslasten". To keep our feets dry. I guess they could add up to something like 800+300, €1100, - /yr ( €90, -- month).

"Town Tax" includs OZB - tax, the house-tax, wich differ for home owners vs renters.


We live close to the German border. We go once a month to Germany for a a restock of certain groceries. It saves us around 25% total on our groceries.

The grocery prices have gone insane in the Netherlands last few years.


Groceries, that is € 225, -…..per week (including soap for clothing, dishwasher, toothpaste etc)


I live in nieuwegein, a suburb of utrecht. i pay 1100 for 70 m2, i'm on 52K per year, and supporting a dependent (can't work due to mental illness). it's not comfortable but we're making it work. When i moved out everything had to be on a shoestring budget and more so when we moved in together, but one thing that helped stretch the budget is investing in durable goods when something breaks if at all possible. it's over time significantly lowered my annual mainance costs. in and around the house


Thanks Ava for your videos and for the effort to dig out the information, i really appreciate that. If I may add my own view to help others, in my personal experience here, 7 euros of groceries is unrealistic, unless you stick to bread, cheese and potatoes all the time (buying on cheap stores that might be far away from you). If you want to have a diverse and nutritional food, it is way more expensive. Also rent of 1300 in Utrecht, i think it is very far from the city and very modest places. Just trying to help with a different experience. Veel succes!!


Nice video on some expected cost. I would suggest a couple of improvements and/or clarifications.

1. Average grossery prices are significantly higher and don't include goods like detergents etc.
2. The municipality taxes are incomplete with just the trash tax, because there are others too.
3. Your phone plan is very low when looking at the general public. I would expect more in the realm of 20 - 25 and even more if a phone is purchased through the subscription.
4. I gues this single person is also taking things like subscriptions for netflix, the gym, etc.

And don't forget that you've calculated for a net income where the holiday pay is included. In practice this is not the case, but will be paid on a yearly basis. This will affect your purchase power during typical months.


I make less than €1000 and have a 50m2 appartment and am able to drive a car and buy everything I need. Never had to worry about my bills.
Lucky to live in the same social appartment for the last 13 year in a smaller town and being Dutch I get 'toeslagen' for rent and health insurance.

Living in a bigger city is more expensive. Better to get something cheaper somewhere else if you do not make 'modaal' income or want to spend your money on better things.


no you were right the first time- unless you're renting for a family, 60 m² is definitely huge in central amsterdam. I'd even say it's pretty large here in Utrecht!
I've seen single rooms being rented out for 800...
But you're absolutely right that the differences between different parts of the city are huge. Especially utrecht and amsterdam which contain awkwardly located parts that don't have good connections to the inner city.


85m2 appartement, and I pay 850€, and I get some money (huurtoeslag) back. It is Energy A label.
But I live in a small Frisian village, but close to towns with everything.


Damn Jan Modaal earns a lot more than I expected. And a lot more than me


... all assuming that you can even find an affordable house/apartment to rent. Major shortage.


Note: If trains have a delay of more than 30 minutes you are entitled to money back, depending on how you travel (which card, which reduction etc.) this is up to 50% form 30-60 minutes delay and 100% if the delay i more than 60 minutes.



I need to get away from my Amsterdam rental. I’m starting to look for a place to buy. My rent is going north of 2000 in July.
